Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Assuming God-Ordained Roles

"Men, when you have not held your proper place of authority in your home, as 'Lord' of your home, you've positioned your wife to have a conversation with the devourer." Kristen Bowers Miller

Our Sovereign Lord has created humankind for fellowship with Himself. He has also designed us to interact with our fellow human beings. We often have difficulty cultivating both our relationship with God and our relationships with others because we tend to place our 'self' at the center and expect even God to revolve around us. 

That is never going to happen, but we continue to endeavor to make it so. We wrestle with God as Jacob did and become wounded in the process as he did, but instead of going on wiser, we tend to continue to attempt to persuade God to let us have our way.

We perpetuate our petulant perception of who we are in our relationships with other people. We strive to attain the 'alpha' position in our interactions with those whose lives touch ours.

The most unfortunate example of this is perhaps in our marriages. Instead of allowing our roles as husband and wife to unfold in a Biblically sound way we usurp the role our spouse was fashioned to play within our marriage.

The husband is to be the mediator between God and his family--the prophet (bring the word of God to his family) and priest (carry the needs of his family before the Lord) but he is too involved in being a bread-winner for the family, in advancing his career, in pursuing his goals to execute his lofty spiritual role in the behalf of his family--so his wife assumes it.

The wife is to align herself under the authority of her husband who is under God, but she usurps the role and her husband perpetuates the fault because it is convenient for him to relinquish the duty to his wife.

This role reversal began in the garden. Adam was created by God and Eve was created for Adam. When the serpent approached the woman, she carried his scheme to Adam who should have used his God-given authority over her to rebuke her and bring her to a place of repentance. But he took the forbidden fruit.

In so doing, he not only fell into sin but he fell out of his place of authority under God.
Since then, the differences between men and women have been of their own making toward dissension between them rather than distinctions that compliment one another as the Designer intended.

To reverse the syndrome, may each submit to the Lord and allow HIM to re- conform the brokenness of our person-hood into the whole, well-ordered man or woman he or she was fashioned by our God to be.

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