Thursday, February 4, 2016

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit is readily available in grocery stores at all times of the year, thanks to international trade that enables it to be imported from far-away places. Many fruits--like bananas--may not be grown within our own borders but are available locally because they are shipped here from countries with warmer climates.

The fruit of the Spirit also comes in many varieties, some of which are quite near at hand while others may be more distant, for the unfortunate reality is that many of us don't produce them locally.

Many lives are bereft of of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control--and we seek them beyond ourselves. Unless we search in the right place, however, our search will be futile.

If we allow ourselves to congregate in God's house, among God's people, we will discover an abundance of the fruit of the Spirit, and our hunger will be satisfied to the degree that we partake of the amazing product with which the Holy One lavishes His people.

We will taste His love, that never fails. I Corinthians 13:8
We will partake of His joy which is our strength. Nehemiah 8:10
We will discover His peace that passes understanding. Philippians 4:7
We will know gentleness that will make us great. Psalm 18:35
We will find goodness that will follow us all the days of our lives. Psalm 25:6
We will be blessed by His faithfulness which is great. Lamentations 3:23
We will be touched by His kindness which is everlasting. Psalm 117:2
We will be fortified by self-control.

May we resolve to visit the local market--the church--regularly, to partake of these fruits that strengthen and bless our lives. May we grow there and may we impart to the storehouse as He admonishes we do, Malachi 3:10, of not only our tithe but also of the fruit of our lives.

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