Sunday, February 14, 2016



Some important things to remember about love:
"God is love." I John 4:8
"God's love never fails." II Corinthians 13:8
"Love one another as I have loved you." John 13:34
"Owe no man anything but to love." Romans 13:8

What is love? It's difficult to distinguish that commodity in the convoluted world in which we live.

Modern man seems to perceive love as a fleeting emotion that floods him with delight for a season; that when the euphoria is gone, the object of his 'love' is abandoned.

Hollywood defines love as glamour--beautiful people bask in self- adoration through their association with one another.

Men of faith recognize that love is far deeper than its superficial depiction in the lives of shallow humankind.

If indeed, "God is love," then apart from faith in Him and an anchoring of ones love to God's heart, there is no real love. The frivolous representation of love we see around us is no more love than counterfeit money is money. Counterfeit love is as lacking in value as is the counterfeit dollar.

But love that is anchored to God, to His heart, to His love, indeed will never fail. That is the love that goes to the cross to save mankind from sin. That is the love that gives of itself to guide and guard others and to ground them in eternal truth.

That is the love which emulates the heart of JESUS.

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