Alarming Statistics Come to Light:
More Black Babies are Aborted than Born Alive in New York City
Walter B. Hoye
"Without Life, We Have Nothing!"
(Union City, CA)—Walter B. Hoye II, President of the Issues4Life
Foundation challenges Black leaders to do the math and work together
towards ending abortion on demand in America.
According to the SUMMARY OF VITAL STATISTICS FOR THE CITY OF NEW YORK, from the BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE here's the data regarding Black American live births and induced abortions in New York City.
Total Black Pregnancies: 56,165
Total Viable Black Pregnancies: 53,115
Black Abortions as a Percentage of Total Black Pregnancies: 51.6%
Black Abortions as a Percentage of Total Viable Black Pregnancies: 54.6%
In other words, for every one Black baby born, 1.2 Black babies are aborted in New York City.
To bring additional perspective to the impact of abortion in the Black-American community in New York City, every day there are 66 Black babies born and 79 Black babies aborted in The Big Apple.
Hoye calls for all Black-American leaders to do the math to understand the impact of abortion on the Black-American community and work together towards ending abortion on demand.
In light of Black History Month, Hoye says; "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was prophetic when he said: 'The Negro cannot win if he is willing to sell the future of his children for his personal and immediate comfort and safety.'"
Hoye adds because; "Without Life, We Have Nothing!"
It is sobering to contemplate how many Clara Belle Williams have been sacrificed on the altar of abortion. How many of her physician sons have been lost because our nation has succumbed to the fallacy that abortion is merely a choice.
May we allow our hearts to be broken over this heinous reality within our country. May we heed the admonition of the LORD: "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; CHOOSE LIFE." Deuteronomy 30:19
According to the SUMMARY OF VITAL STATISTICS FOR THE CITY OF NEW YORK, from the BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE here's the data regarding Black American live births and induced abortions in New York City.
Total Black Pregnancies: 56,165
Total Viable Black Pregnancies: 53,115
Black Abortions as a Percentage of Total Black Pregnancies: 51.6%
Black Abortions as a Percentage of Total Viable Black Pregnancies: 54.6%
In other words, for every one Black baby born, 1.2 Black babies are aborted in New York City.
To bring additional perspective to the impact of abortion in the Black-American community in New York City, every day there are 66 Black babies born and 79 Black babies aborted in The Big Apple.
Hoye calls for all Black-American leaders to do the math to understand the impact of abortion on the Black-American community and work together towards ending abortion on demand.
In light of Black History Month, Hoye says; "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was prophetic when he said: 'The Negro cannot win if he is willing to sell the future of his children for his personal and immediate comfort and safety.'"
Hoye adds because; "Without Life, We Have Nothing!"
It is sobering to contemplate how many Clara Belle Williams have been sacrificed on the altar of abortion. How many of her physician sons have been lost because our nation has succumbed to the fallacy that abortion is merely a choice.
May we allow our hearts to be broken over this heinous reality within our country. May we heed the admonition of the LORD: "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; CHOOSE LIFE." Deuteronomy 30:19
Clara Belle Williams is excellent example and "how many" is a very sobering question. – Walter B. Hoye II