This is Phil Robertson from Duck Commander and I’ve got a radical idea.
Men should use the men’s bathroom and women should use the women’s bathroom. Just because a man may “feel” like a woman doesn’t mean he should be able to share a bathroom with my daughter, or yours.
That used to be called common sense. Now it’s called bigoted.
The Judeo-Christian values that led America to greatness are under full assault by the mob mentality of political correctness, and we’re slowly losing our soul.
Let me tell you something – our Founders fought a revolution and wrote a Constitution to defend and promote religious freedom. If we can no longer speak freely about our faith and practice it without fear of coercion, this is no longer America. I will not let that happen.
So together with my friends at Citizens United, I’m leading a new effort called Speak Freely: Stand Tall for Religious Freedom.
Those trying to drive faith from our society, whitewash our history, and lie about what we believe are not many -- but they're loud. It's time to drown them out.
We can do it by building a movement of courageous Americans who value the Constitution and our shared Judeo-Christian principles, and are willing to engage in the debates of our times.
Part of this effort will be educational. Sometimes it will require action. But ultimately, this is about numbers and persuasion.
I'm a God-fearing man of deep faith, but this is about more than religion. It's about our history, and what kind of country America was meant to be.
Thanks for your time.
God Bless,

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