Saturday, April 30, 2016

Holiness in an Unholy World

April 30
Holiness in an Unholy World by Dr. D. James Kennedy

“… because it is written, Be holy, for I am holy.” I Peter 1:16

There is no doubt that this world is becoming increasingly unholy. I told a group of young people recently that I was born in a different country than the one we now live in.

Of course, geographically it was part of America, but it was a different world then, as some of you who are older can clearly attest. Our nation is truly, as one writer has said, going down the gutter into an ocean of slime.

One time a young lady approached me and said she would like to ask me to do her a favor.

I said, “I would be happy to, if I can. What is it?”

“Well, I am really almost afraid to ask,” she said.

“Go ahead.”

“Would you pray for me that I may become a holy person?”

I have tried to think back, and I really cannot recall anyone else in what was at that point thirty years of ministry asking me to pray that particular request.

It should be the cry of all our hearts: “Lord, make me holy.”

What are the areas of your life that may possibly hold you back from holiness? What are you doing about them?

Are you clinging to them, enjoying them, gaining pleasure from them? Or are you laying them before the LORD, surrendering them to HIM, putting them under HIS shed blood and allowing Him to wash you clean of them?

You know what you need to do.

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