Wednesday, April 27, 2016


"The same power that raised JESUS from the dead dwells in you." Romans 8;11

What comes to your mind when you hear that word?

With the horrific storms that are tearing through some of our states right now, we think of the unleashed might of nature when we contemplate the meaning of the word power.

When we think of national security, we envision the vast military might of our nation--the fighter planes and missiles and the carrier ships and submarines that are there to protect the nation from the attack of an enemy.

We think of the significance of an individual whose word alone can alter a law or change even the Constitution. We know that with every election comes an allocation of tremendous power into the hands of individuals to whom we have entrusted our freedom and our rights.

But ultimate power resides in the Almighty and He has seen fit to impart of that great force to those who believe in His Holy Name.

You, Christian, you, person of faith in the Savior, have within you the ability to "call things that are not as though they were." Romans 4:17

You, believer in Christ, have the power to open blind eyes, to unstop deaf ears, to loosen tongues, to raise death to life! You have the power to transform the world around you from the darkness of sin to the light of salvation.

What are you doing with it?

God's power is tied to God's purpose!

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