One of the most difficult things to do in life is to focus on the good. Oh, yes, we cherish the good things of life and we desire to possess them, but when there are problems confronting us, we tend to consume ourselves upon them.
If the good and the bad of our lives were weighed in a balance, and if they were absolutely equal, our tendency would be to turn our gaze to the difficulties rather than to focus on the good. Something within us feels compelled to solve the problems rather than to celebrate the good.
This human proclivity flies in the face of the Biblical admonition to
"cast all your cares upon JESUS, for HE cares for you." I Peter 5:7.
It negates the opportunity HE extends to us to place our problems at HIS
feet and to allow HIM to bear them in our behalf.
The difficult things of life do not simply disappear into thin air when we give them to the LORD. We are not absolved of our responsibility to live as people of faith who must wrestle through the difficult circumstances that come upon us.
Rather we are afforded the opportunity to go through them with the ONE who can teach us how to solve them rather than merely with our own ability to attempt to find their remedy.
Being in touch with CHRIST never means being out of touch with reality. HE has not saved us from the perplexities of life but from the consequences of them. We don't have to allow life to batter us down or hold us captive to sin, for JESUS has extended HIS hand to us.
JESUS will lift us out of our miry clay and set us upon the ROCK of HIS TRUTH AND HIS LOVE. HIS SALVATION PACKAGE includes all we need to be more than conquers who overcome the temporal things that beset mankind and to receive with joy the eternal things HE sets before us.
The difficult things of life do not simply disappear into thin air when we give them to the LORD. We are not absolved of our responsibility to live as people of faith who must wrestle through the difficult circumstances that come upon us.
Rather we are afforded the opportunity to go through them with the ONE who can teach us how to solve them rather than merely with our own ability to attempt to find their remedy.
Being in touch with CHRIST never means being out of touch with reality. HE has not saved us from the perplexities of life but from the consequences of them. We don't have to allow life to batter us down or hold us captive to sin, for JESUS has extended HIS hand to us.
JESUS will lift us out of our miry clay and set us upon the ROCK of HIS TRUTH AND HIS LOVE. HIS SALVATION PACKAGE includes all we need to be more than conquers who overcome the temporal things that beset mankind and to receive with joy the eternal things HE sets before us.
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