Monday, August 8, 2016

Communist Party USA Endorses Clinton

Communist Party USA Endorses Clinton by Bill Wilson

The Communist Party's communications oracle,, has come out swinging for Democratic Party Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. In its latest online edition on July 26, posted:

"With Senator Bernie Sanders endorsing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the message was loud and clear, 'We're stronger together.' That is what it will take to win in November... Clinton has to provide a vision for a new America, tying together the Democratic platform planks -- called the most progressive ever -- among them, $15 an hour minimum wage, debt-free and tuition-free college and universal health care, with a compelling narrative that inspires people to think big and do big-hearted things."

Here, "progressive", means "communist/socialist/Marxist." It is the anti-God, anti-marriage, anti-moral platform as defined by the Communist Manifesto. writes:

"The union movement, communities of color, students, women, progressives and the newborn "political revolution" can help generate voter enthusiasm by talking and tweeting about Clinton and the issues. Challenging sexism is a must as well as racism, which has been a coded (and overt) staple of presidential elections for decades."

The commies have their eyes set on the over 78 crowd on the US Supreme Court as the golden egg--think about Clinton's opportunity to cement a communist majority on the Supreme Court for a generation.

The end game with the "progressive" leadership is totalitarianism. It means taking away your rights to free speech, religion, self-defense, and legal equality. It means brainwashing people to believe they have "rights" when, in reality, there are no rights except those permitted by the government.

In his controversial book "The New Persecuted, Inquiries into Anti-Christian Intolerance in the New Century of Martyrs" written in 2001, Antonio Socci wrote that 45 million Christians were martyred in the last century--mostly at the hands of communist and Islamic regimes. From 1900 to 1999, over 100 million deaths occurred because of communism.

For me, as a Christian, my faith will not allow me to vote for someone who aligns with communist ideals as Hillary Clinton does.

The Communist Manifesto states: "...Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis." This is the basis for all socialism and progressivism as well.

It is godless and evil. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 22, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil."

2 Timothy 3:13 says, "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."

There is great deception in the vain words of socialists and communists. They ply the nature of humans with powerful words like "rights" when, in reality, they wish to kill, steal and destroy.

Let us remember the true face of communism and those who run to it.

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