Monday, August 1, 2016

Every Knee

Arrogance seems to pervade our political horizon.

Of the candidates who are running for the highest office in the land, one is confidently assured of her ability to escape the accounting for her traitorous actions that any one of us would have been tried and convicted of doing.

When she seemed on the verge of being held accountable for her misdeeds, her powerful husband stepped in and with a word to Mrs. Lynch, the entire matter was dropped. YOU would not have her ear if your wanton disregard for handling sensitive matters were in question.

The other candidate has dwelt in the refined air of self-confidence and wealth so long that he feels no need to temper his conversation with the pleasantries that ordinary people include in their interactions with one another.

He is accustomed to merely conveying his will to those in his employ who will then facilitate his purposes.

These people bow to no one; they hold nothing in regard above themselves for they are "the elite." Where ordinary citizens must conform to the law or be apprehended by the law, they are simply above the law in a strata of humanity that we will never know --except as we observe them.

But there is a day coming, a day that has been prophesied for over two thousand years when "EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD." Romans 14:11

For those who have given their lives to CHRIST, that day will be an extension of this, for they already bow before HIM.

For some, it will be an entirely new and incomprehensible experience.

ChrisTcradle Charity Foundation Inc

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