Monday, August 1, 2016

How Do They See...

"Politics and platitudes can’t breathe life into our deeply divided inner cities. But Jesus can." -Walter Harvey

Person of faith, you are the only CHURCH, the only representation of the BODY of CHRIST that many lost and dying sinners will see.

Person of faith, you are the only JESUS some people will see, for some people will not go to church, some people will not join life groups, some people will not read the BIBLE, some people will not pray.

Person of faith, you rub shoulders with these people every day--at work, in the market place, at school, in the highways and byways of life--they are there beside you.

And they are reading the 'living epistle' of your life. What is that living letter saying to them?

Are they reading of patience or impatience when they see you interact with them under difficult circumstances?

Are they reading of joy or frustration when they see you deal with the challenges you face?

Are they reading hope or despair when they see you react to the evils conveyed in the daily news?

Are they reading forgiveness or condemnation when they observe your response to those who dispitefully use you?

Are they reading love or hatred in your attitude toward those who flaunt their lifestyle?

Are they hearing words of salvation or condemnation when you speak to the lost and dying souls around you?

How do they see 'the church' because of your representation of the Body of CHRIST--the CHURCH--to them?

One pastor’s discontent with the divided line

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