Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Import Jihad, Export Jobs

Import Jihad, Export Jobs by Bill Wilson 
Did you know that the US president has taken in more Syrian "refugees" than all of the European Union? According to the Washington Examiner, the EU has taken in some 6,000 Syrian "refugees," outpaced by America's 8,000.

If elected, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has vowed to continue the intake by up to four-fold. This is tantamount to an Islamic invasion of the US because the government has admitted there is not real way to vet against terrorists.

All the while, Associate Press reports that 2.4 million jobs were outsourced overseas-just in 2015-and 3.2 million to China alone since 2001. The government's foreign policy appears to be simple: Import Jihad, export jobs.
Both the current president and the presidential wannabe, Clinton, have close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group. During Arab Spring, which included US military use in Libya and the Benghazi attack that left four Americans dead, the Administration and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, said the Muslim Brotherhood was a foreign policy partner.

Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries with ties to terrorism also have provided Clinton tens of millions of dollars in funding through contributions to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative. There is no indication that Islamic colonization of America will come to a halt or slow down if Clinton is elected president.
At the same time, sending jobs overseas cost some $30 billion in wages in just 2015, put record numbers of people on welfare (which also costs taxpayers billions), and has contributed to over 14.2 million Americans dropping out the workforce since the current president took office.

In 2013, the Pew Hispanic Center estimated there were 8 million illegal aliens in the workforce-that's just the illegals. "Refugees," also cost Americans in either jobs or tax-assisted government aid. A true refugee is forced to cross national boundaries and cannot return home safely.

Muslims in Syria are not true refugees, however, Christians in Syria and Iraq are refugees-but this Administration does not allow them into the US.
The Muslim Brotherhood plan for America is colonization through a comprehensive "civilization Jihad" aimed at destroying America's "miserable house" from within (from the Muslim Brotherhood Strategic Goal for North America, May, 1991).

The Democratic president and presidential wannabe both are assisting the Muslim Brotherhood's goals through their policies and platform.

At the same time, they are contributing to an unsustainable economy through policies that export jobs overseas.

Jeremiah 51:14 says of Babylon, which has similar characteristics to modern America: "I will fill thee with men as with locusts and they shall raise up a battle cry against thee."

It's what happens when leadership abandons the precepts of the one true God and imports Jihad while exporting jobs.

We need to repent and change leaders.

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