Tuesday, August 2, 2016

LORD, Help Us Find Our Way Back

I grew up in New Brighton,Pennsylvania, during a time when everyone treated each other like family.
Children went outside to play, we got dirty, and we ate whatever our mom cooked....bologna sandwiches, penny candy, Twinkies & Ho Ho's.

We played "Mother May I, Red Light, Green Light, red rover, football, basketball, hop scotch, rang door bells and ran, dodge ball, we could take a walk in the woods and ride our bicycle to a friend's house a mile or more down the road, we weren't AFRAID OF ANYTHING BUT OUR ELDERS.
We watched our mouths around our elders because we knew If we DISRESPECTED any grown up we would get a spanking!

We were taught RESPECT FOR OTHERS AND THEIR PROPERTY. As children, we didn't speak if an adult was talking. If someone had a fight, it was a fist fight..kids didn't have guns when we grew up. When it got dark we knew it was time to go inside. Occasionally we stayed out to catch lightning bugs.

We loved going to school because we had wise, caring teachers who knew we needed the treasure of knowledge they had to share with us if we were to become productive, patriotic citizens.

We went to church every Sunday and to Sunday school and to Wednesday evening services or catechism because our parents were people of faith in CHRIST and they wanted their most precious possessions--their children--to have the joy of the LORD as their strength.

We need to get back to those times because we're losing our children to a society with no respect for authority, no compassion for others, no knowledge of the world and no faith in our HOLY SAVIOR.

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