Thursday, August 4, 2016


Trust must be earned.

One has a certain expectation of a rattlesnake. One knows that unless a rattlesnake has had its venom removed, its bite is deadly.

Compassion must be extended.

One has a certain obligation as a believer in CHRIST to reach out in love to help those in need.

How can trust and compassion be balanced? How can we protect ourselves and our progeny from evil while extending a hand of help to the displaced and needy?

The survival of our culture, of our law, of our religion is perhaps based upon our finding that balance.

Paul Casey
Folks, these Rattlesnakes need a home.

They are refugees of the Hill Country pushed out by snake hunting, flooding and feral hogs.

Now we think that most of these are good snakes and won't bite you, but we are sure that some of them will bite you without provocation.We can't tell you which of the snakes in the bunch that will bite and kill you because they all came in together and we can't tell which ones are which! 

In fact, we found elsewhere some are biting those who are trained to seek out the biters and are hiding among the good ones. 

But our federal government has promised to figure it out, so don't worry.

So who wants to give all these Rattlesnakes a good home?

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