Friday, August 19, 2016

The Christian View Of Politics

August 19
The Christian View Of Politics by Dr. D. James Kennedy

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church.—Ephesians 1:22

Have you ever wondered if you should always obey the laws of our government? This is an important question because the government influences almost every aspect of our lives. To help us answer this question, the Bible delineates a few principles.

Principle number one: The Triune God is sovereign over the whole universe. He is sovereign over every area of life, not just the Church. This includes the government.

Principle number two: The ultimate source of authority is not in the government or in the people; it’s in God. God has set government in place to enact and execute the laws He has given us in His Word—the moral laws of God, which He has written on our hearts.

The authority of the government comes from God, and the government must answer to God.

Principle number three: The government has limited authority and power. The government does not encompass all things. We have other spheres that influence our lives: family, church, education, art, and science. Each of these spheres has its own authority and responsibility, and we must work out our lives freely in the various spheres in which we live. This means that if anyone in any sphere of activity oversteps his or her authority, the Christian has the obligation to disobey. If the government commands the Christian to do something contrary to the clear teaching of God’s Word, then the Christian must obey God and not human government.

For example, some governments have forbidden Christians to pray, worship God, and witness. Clearly, these governments have created laws contrary to God’s commandments.

Are you willing to stand up for God’s laws when they conflict with those of your government? Ask God to give you wisdom as a citizen and the courage to obey His Word despite any governmental opposition.

"It is no more possible for man to build a political state without the help of God than it was for the builders of Babel." Benjamin Franklin

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