Sunday, August 21, 2016


The CHRISTIAN belief in ONE GOD is denied by those who cannot understand or accept the doctrine of the TRINITY, however the TRIUNE nature of GOD is revealed from the earliest pages of the BIBLE.

How can these verses be explained if there is no TRINITY?

1. "Let US make man in our own image." Genesis 1:26
2. "And the SPIRIT of the LORD moved upon the face of the deep." Genesis 1:2
3. "Hear, O Israel, the LORD your GOD is ONE GOD." Deuteronomy 6:4
4. "In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD." John 1:1
5. "Thomas fell on his knees and proclaimed, 'My LORD and my GOD." John 20:28

There are many other verses that affirm the deity of CHRIST, the oneness of GOD and the triune nature of GOD, but the bottom line is that each one who doubts will either accept or reject the truth of the nature of GOD based upon his own free will.

Do you want to reject the LORD'S declaration of who HE affirms HIMSELF to be in HIS HOLY WORD? If you want to reject, you will reject.

Do you want to believe the LORD is who HE declares HIMSELF to be in HIS HOLY WORD? If you want to believe, you will believe.

And you will have eternity to abide by your decision.

God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Christianity!

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