Thursday, August 11, 2016

Vote Wisely

Corruption and deceit are readily identifiable among politicians--they are their stock-in-trade. In spite of a long history of leaders who have lacked integrity, the current administration seems much more lacking in integrity.

Perhaps they are not lacking in integrity as much as they are lacking in patriotism. Perhaps their integrity is to their intended goal of "fundamentally transforming AMERICA," as Mrs. Jarret declares in the following post--transforming AMERICA into an islamic nation.

Certainly, our president has poured the wealth of AMERICA into the coffers of islamic nations that seek the destruction of our culture, our religion, our law, our very lives. WHY?

And Mrs. Clinton is owned by islamic entities who have contributed hundreds of millions of dollars toward her political goals. The selling of AMERICA will assuredly continue under her administration if she is elected as our next president.

Donald Trump, for all his faults, is a patriotic AMERICAN whose campaign has been run on the premise of "making AMERICA great again."

Unless YOU support the islamification of this nation, your choice in November is clear.

Another islamist in the White House is a death sentence to the AMERICA of our founding fathers and to our CONSTITUTION.

Vote wisely!

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