Friday, September 9, 2016

Enablement of Terrorists

Exposed: Clinton's Enablement of Terrorists by Bill Wilson 
In September of 2011, my ministry partner William Agbeti and I shot a news video outside a village in Ghana, West Africa to spotlight that it was the victim of a nomadic Islamic tribe called Fulani that migrated from Nigeria.

The Fulani were linked to Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist group who had slaughtered hundreds of Nigerian Christians and in 2015 pledged support to the Islamic State.

The Fulani entered villages in Ghana and forced the elders to yield, convert or die. Entire villages had been slaughtered-men, women and children. Little did I know that this video in front of that village that had been terrorized by the Fulani would intersect me with Hillary Clinton and her dealings as Secretary of State.
On May 7, 2014, Josh Rogin of The Daily Beast reported: "In the past week, Clinton, who made protecting women and girls a key pillar of her tenure at the State Department, has been a vocal advocate for the 200 Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram...On Wednesday, Clinton said that the abduction of the girls by Boko Haram was "abominable, it's criminal, it's an act of terrorism and it really merits the fullest response possible, first and foremost from the government of Nigeria."...

What Clinton didn't mention was that her own State Department refused to place Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011, after the group bombed the U.N. headquarters in Abuja. The refusal came despite the urging of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and over a dozen senators and congressmen."
It seems more than coincidence that Nigerian oil dealer Kase Lawal, a devout Muslim, was a Hillary Clinton "bundler" during her last campaign for president, raising over $100,000 for her campaign from his home in Houston, and influenced millions in contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative.

World Magazine reports that Lawal's dealings, which include some $2.5 billion in annual revenue, depended on Boko Haram warlords who controlled certain Nigerian oilfields, dating back to 2011 when Clinton was fighting against having Boko Haram declared a terrorist group. World Magazine lists numerous dealings by Lawal with terrorists and murderers where he depended on Clinton's State Department to assist him.
Agbeti provides this insight from our ministry in Ghana: "There is common knowledge that America is scaling up from being the world's "policeman" to being a fore-runner in the establishment of a one-world government...We know Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, ISIS and the like are fighting to establish a one-world order, too.

We believe it has nothing to do with religion. It is an economic empire they want to build, using religion to cow everyone and establish "forced peace." The concept transcends the borders of Islam, attracting the support of other one-world die-hards...It comes without surprise to some of us native Africans, therefore, that the Clintons and [sic the US president] have a soft spot for and love affair with Boko Haram, etc."
As you can see, Clinton decries the actions of terrorists on one hand, but refused to designate them as terrorists on the other because she was benefiting financially from a friend of the terrorists. This convoluted corruption is the hallmark of Hillary Clinton's body of work as a human being.

Christian girls in Nigeria were raped and forced into sex slavery at the hands of Boko Haram. Men, women, and children in peaceful Christian villages in Ghana faced horrible deaths at the hands of these terrorists. Yet Clinton fought to ensure that they were neither declared nor dealt with as terrorists because of money going into her campaign and foundation.

It makes Benghazi a walk in the park. II Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."

Clinton is one of them.

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