Friday, September 16, 2016

Exposing to Light the Extremist

Exposing to Light the Extremist  by Bill Wilson
Those who seek to protect the life of the unborn received some good news this week: Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump is naming a Pro-Life Coalition and is pledging to protect the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits government funding for abortions. This demonstrates leadership on the divisive issue of abortion as most campaigns distance themselves on controversy going into the last weeks of a campaign.

Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will not duplicate the move because she ardently opposes any controls on abortion and seeks to use taxpayer money to support abortion provider Planned Parenthood and other government efforts that promote abortion.
Politically, the Trump campaign wants pro-life Christians to get out to vote. Many have made the unwise decision to either not vote or to vote for a third party candidate that has no chance of winning. These people would boost Hillary Clinton's vote total and may be a decisive block in swaying the election toward a non-Christian agenda of selection of leftist Supreme Court judges and continuing the anti-Christian environment established by the current Administration.

Trump is doing his best to assure Christians that he means what he says regarding religious freedom and the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness found in the Declaration of Independence.
Clinton has been an extreme radical supporter of abortion. In accepting Planned Parenthood's endorsement in July, Clinton said, "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously. Her courage, her tenacity, her vision ... When I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I'm really in awe of her. There are a lot of lessons we can learn from her life, from the causes she launched and fought for and scarified for so greatly."

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, established the organization as an open supporter of Nazi sterilization laws, and proposed a federal law with abortion as the answer for Blacks who were "biologically unfit" and "should be so isolated as to prevent the perpetuation of their afflictions by breeding."
Those who are pro-life have a clear choice in this election. There is a candidate who has pledged to appoint conservative judges to the Supreme Court and will protect tax money from being used for abortions.

There is another candidate who has vowed to appoint pro-abortion judges to the Supreme Court and wants to use your tax money for the Planned Parenthood death clinics.

She also "admires" and is in "awe" of one of the most racist bigots in American history who can be directly linked to the deaths of over 45 million American babies in the womb. Still want to sit this one out?

Jeremiah 2:34 says, "Also on your skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but plainly upon all these things."

With what is at stake, I would not want to stand before my Maker having not done all I could to prevent the extremist from prevailing.

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