Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hillary's Vain Words and Irony on Bad Decisions

Hillary's Vain Words and Irony on Bad Decisions by Bill Wilson 
While trying to enjoy the first weekend of college football, a political ad interrupted my gridiron bliss. Hillary Clinton ran a negative ad during the Ohio State-Bowling Green game. It featured excerpts from Donald Trump speeches where he said that he knew more about ISIS than most generals; that he would eradicate ISIS; that he would bomb the [explicative] out of them.

After showing images of what many would consider a nuclear blast, Clinton's tag line was that "it only takes one bad decision." If it only took one bad decision, Hillary Clinton would not be running for president. Any number of her bad decisions could have and should have disqualified her from public office. And that's the irony of this very negative ad.
A similar ad could be written about Benghazi. It could have shown how US-supported al Qaeda terrorists (yes, those the US supported in Libya to overthrow Kaddafi were al Qaeda who had returned from killing US troops in Iraq-let's keep our memory hats on) stormed the US complex in Benghazi; how Ambassador Chris Stevens was sodomized, tortured, murdered, and his body dragged in the streets; how Foreign Officer Sean Smith was similarly killed; how several hours later CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed defending the US compound; how Hillary Clinton refused to send military assistance; how she perpetuated the lie that the whole thing was caused by an anti-Islam movie.
But if it takes only one bad decision, Clinton refused to own up to it. Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Clinton was pressed about the lie she and the White House perpetuated. She angrily responded: "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?"

The difference at this point, and at any other point, is that she had the authority and the power to possibly prevent these unfortunate deaths by deploying military that was standing by to save American lives. She instead lied while Americans died.
This is just one bad decision by Hillary Clinton where Americans died. Dozens of other bad Clinton decisions are well documented. Here, Clinton is trying to demonize her opponent for saying that he knows who the enemy is and he will eliminate the enemy.

That enemy is the Islamic State and its atrocities against men, women, children, Christians, Kurds, and Muslims are well known. Clinton is saying that Trump's wanting to get rid of ISIS is a dangerous, possibly bad decision.

We know the bad decisions of Clinton and how she has lied to cover them. Ephesians 5:6 says, "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience." Our decision comes on election day. Let's make it a good one. 

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