Prayer Initiative
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich. II Corinthians 8:9
Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse. Proverbs 28:27
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27
The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. Proverbs 11:25
Lord, we pray for those who suffer spiritual, relational and/or economic poverty.
You said, Jesus, that the poor would always be with us. Give us Your heart for the poor of all kinds – those who are poor in spirit, those who are lonely, and those with material needs.
Teach us Your will and ways to minister effectively to the needs of the least among us. Help us to discern their needs and to give wisely and generously. Show us how to effectively deliver Your help, healing, companionship and comfort.
Bring us to a renewed sense of community in America - neighbor helping neighbor, according to the teachings of Your Word. Give us “Samaritan” hearts.
Forgive us, Lord, for leaving the needs of the poor to government. We ask You to convict and forgive leaders who would manipulate the poor for political gain.
Show us the root of poverty, Lord, that we may truly make a significant difference in helping the poor to achieve their fullest potential in You.
Help us to discern true need from those who would manipulate. Please give us insight and wisdom to know when our help would be more hurtful than helpful.
Lord, we are all poor in some way. We all have needs that cannot be met apart from You. Help us to help one another to live fulfilled lives in You.
Help us all to experience the fullness of what you meant by "it is more blessed to give than to receive". May we know the joy of self-giving love.
“Our tasks are definite...that we maintain the spiritual impulses in our people for generous giving and generous service - in the spirit that each is his brother’s keeper... Many a family today is carrying a neighbor family over the trough of this depression not alone with material aid but with that encouragement which maintains courage and faith.” President Herbert Hoover – September 15, 1932
"The religion I have is to love and fear God, believe in Jesus Christ, do all the good to my neighbor and myself that I can, do as little harm as I can help, and trust on God's mercy for the rest." Daniel Boone
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