Thursday, September 8, 2016

Supernatural Encounters

There is a hunger, deep within the soul of mankind, for something beyond himself, for power beyond that of mortal men.

GOD offers the answer to that longing. Romans 8:11 says, "The same power that raised JESUS from the dead dwells in you." That is an awesome is the power that created the worlds, it is the power that keeps the earth revolving on its axis and rotating around the sun, it is the power that "overcomes the world."

The enemy of GOD, the deceiver, has a counterfeit to the power of the LORD. Man must be careful in his search that he not allow himself to be led aside from the POWER of the HOLY ONE to the counterfeit power of the evil one.

Anyone who is searching for GOD'S POWER must be mindful that spiritual might must promote TRUTH. Anything that seeks man's vain glory or temporal reward or self-aggrandizement is contrary to the purposes of the LIVING CHRIST and must be turned away as a satanic deception.

Lifting up the name of JESUS is the sole purpose of supernatural power. Whether miraculous healing or speaking in tongues or turning back the sun (See Isaiah 38:8), the only HEAVENLY PURPOSE for a miraculous display of power is to glorify GOD and to facilitate HIS purposes.

Supernatural events are as old as creation itself. They are etched for eternity, recorded for all-time in the pages of the Bible. Discover why they matter, and how they can affect you in the upcoming Daystar Film documentary,

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