Monday, October 24, 2016

A Commentary on Genuine Faith

While watching a segment on SIXTY MINUTES last night, I was struck by an interview done by Scott Pelley with a young Ohio woman who professed to be a committed CHRISTIAN, a staunch Republican, an avid church-goer who had decided to vote for Hillary Clinton because she had once seen Donald Trump flailing his arms and babbling incoherently in a speech.

The woman had taken this as a personal insult to her disabled daughter.

That same woman has no difficulty in voting for Hillary Clinton, who, were the ultimate intent of advocates of abortion rights such as Mrs. Clinton carried out, they would eliminate all disabled children, all unwanted children, all black children (the goal of Margaret Sanger and her abortion cohorts).

They would do so with utmost cruelty.  Abortion brutalizes the unborn, and the near born (those full term babies that are aborted just prior to birth).  If you are unfamiliar with the methods used, investigate them--they are horrific!

That same Ohio woman will pull the lever for Hillary Clinton on November 8 despite her refusal to send aid to AMERICANS in danger in Benghazi (perhaps to avoid offending her muslim supporters????????????), for Hillary Clinton who has, in exchange for financial remuneration disseminated AMERICAN secrets that, in enemy hands, might result in the death of her daughter.

Put on your thinking caps, AMERICA!

There is no comparison between Donald Trump's indiscretions and Hillary Clinton's wanton disregard for all life but her own.

Any person of genuine faith in the tenets of JESUS CHRIST and the GOD of the BIBLE can certainly distinguish the gulf of difference between the two!

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