Monday, October 31, 2016

Beware the Useful Idiots

The progressives are doing an excellent job of implementing the directives of Saul Alinsky. Reducing AMERICA to a third world country is their ultimate goal and they are rapidly moving toward achieving it.

Donald Trump is hated by the progressives because he stands between them and the attainment of a depressed AMERICA and a dumb-downed, suppressed AMERICAN populace.

Hillary Clinton fully supports the Saul Alinsky plan for this country. If she is elected, be prepared to see more of your 'rights' wrenched away from you and your opportunity for prosperity diminished further.

If you are a person of faith in CHRIST, this quote by Hillary's vice- presidential candidate Tim Kaine should send chills down your spine:

"The future President of the United States of America, Hillary Clinton, will state an ultimatum to the Catholic Church. And that ultimatum will be to either change its stance on same-sex marriage or pack its bags and get out of America. And yes – the President of the country can do that.”

Religious liberty, the right to bear arms, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly--all of which and more are assured in our CONSTITUTION--will be vague memories to AMERICANS if the vile criminal, Hillary Clinton, is elected to the highest office of the land.

Are YOU a "useful idiot," a citizen who will vote away his freedom, who will surrender his power as a free man to the progressives whose aim is to neutralize him by devastating his nation?

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