Monday, October 31, 2016

Governmental Crime Boss

Governmental Crime Boss by Bill Wilson

Americans must suspend their disbelief as the FBI has reopened its criminal investigation into Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a most bizarre turn of events just days before the presidential election.

Her pay for play influence bribery scheme, acceptance of millions of dollars from terrorist sponsoring Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, and a host of other self-enriching scandals appear to expose Hillary Clinton as a governmental organized crime boss.

Clinton's careless and seemingly criminal administration of America's most sensitive secrets, however, may be the final link that would make even the staunchest of Democrats finally believe that where there is smoke, there is hellfire.
The daisy chain of events emanate from Clinton's longstanding aide, Huma Abedin, whose ties to the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic terrorist organization and Clinton's rumored lesbian lover, failed to negatively impact the presidential campaign.

Until now.

Abedin's estranged husband Anthony Weiner is under FBI investigation for alleged sex texting a 15 year old girl where more Clinton emails were recovered. There allegedly were emails from unsecured servers from Clinton, Clinton's Chief of Staff at the State Department and Abedin that are suspected of containing classified information, a criminal offense.

FBI Director James Comey wrote Congress Friday to "supplement" his previous testimony about Clinton's case.
Comey wrote:

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.

Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony."
Clinton has been blaming Russia for hacking emails to influence the election. But no state enemy would have to work very hard to hack emails from the way Clinton protects national secrets on private email servers and using unsecure email accounts.

To date, Clinton's criminal actions have been protected by the political machine that is using every legal and political measure to remain in power. This is governmental organized crime, and Clinton is the boss.

Clinton will never give up this con. She will deny, deny, deny and shift blame to the FBI, the Republicans and anyone else she can. The news media will help her.

As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."

Suspend your disbelief.

This is Clinton's America and we'll have a lot more governmental organized crime if she is elected. 

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