Saturday, October 29, 2016

Will YOU Send a Suspected Felon to the White House?

Matt Walsh nails it:

I have some quick thoughts on the bombshell announcement that the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails has been reopened. Or, as the FBI puts it, "additional investigative steps are being taken."

What they now claim is that the investigation was never closed. If that's true, it means they essentially exonerated Clinton before actually finishing their investigation into her crimes. That makes the whole thing worse, and it further highlights just how corrupt our system actually is.

But whatever comes of this new-but-not-new investigation, what we do know is this: the Democrat nominee for president is under an active FBI investigation. All indications are that she will still be under investigation on November 8, making her potentially the first suspected felon in United States history to ever be elected president. The thought is nauseating and disgraceful.

I know that liberals will line up and vote for Hillary no matter what the investigation turns up. But I want them to realize something.

You can't complain about injustice while you vote for a woman who would already be in jail if she had a different last name, or if she were a Republican.

You can't complain about "inequality" while you further that inequality by supporting an elitist crook who has been placed above the law.

You can't scream hysterically about Trump "undermining our democratic system" while you help a criminal rise to the top of it.

And you absolutely cannot ever again speak about the rule of law, because the rule of law dies with Hillary's inauguration.

And you will have played a part in making that happen.

FBI Director James Comey informed Congress Friday that "additional investigative steps" will be taken in the Hillary Clinton email scandal. We all thought the…

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