Monday, October 31, 2016

Weiner / Abedin

An Aspect of the Weiner / Abedin Relationship

Anthony Weiner is, as evidenced by his vile behavior, low-life scum who happens, perhaps because of NY voters' inability to assess candidates before electing them, to be a representative of the people of New York. He is also Jewish.

Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's right hand woman is the daughter of high-placed muslim parents.

Muslim law requires any woman married to a Jew to be executed.

The fact that the daughter of such staunch muslims has been married to and borne a child to a Jewish man without being in any way chastised by, let alone killed by her outraged parents bears scrutiny.

Perhaps Mr. Weiner has been seen as a convenient dolt in the muslim scheme to undermine AMERICA because his proximity to state secrets, accompanied with his perversion and indiscretion would lead to effectively disseminating secret information.

How many foreign entities, posing as young teens, have been privy to the secrets on Mr. Weiner's server, placed there by Huma Abedin because of her affinity to islam and its goal of a "ONE WORLD ISLAMIC CALIPHATE?

Will we ever know how badly our safety has been compromised?

How will we find out? Perhaps when under attack.

This begs another question:

Is Hillary Clinton a simple-minded dolt herself who could not recognize the danger her trust of Huma Abedin posed to our nation, or has she been paid to betray state secrets as she has been paid to perform so many other treasonous acts against the UNITED STATES? 

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