Monday, September 17, 2018

Appointed and Anointed

Appointed and Anointed by Becky Harling
I was 25 and living in Khartoum, Sudan, in east Africa. My husband Steve was serving as the pastor of the international chapel in Khartoum. The country was in a civil war, and me—I was trying to figure out how to keep a 10-month-old baby safe and clean in a dirty, war-torn country.
One month into our time, we received an invitation from the U.S. ambassador to Thanksgiving dinner at his home. Steve felt excited; me, not so much! I had nothing to wear. I felt positive I had nothing to talk about other than the fact that my baby wasn't sleeping through the night.
But Steve wasn't taking my excuses and RSVPd, "Yes."
On the way to dinner, another driver hit our clunker of a missionary car, and the car promptly died. We walked the last ½ mile in 112-degree heat. While other guests arrived in limos, we arrived dusty, sweaty, frazzled and a bit late.
We were escorted to a private torch-lit garden and were shown to our seats. Nothing could have prepared me for the shock I felt when Steve was escorted to a different table, and I was seated between the U.S. ambassador and the vice president of the country of Sudan.
I remember whispering, "Oh God, help me not to wet my pants from nerves and not to say anything stupid. "
Seated between those two distinguished men, I heard the Lord whisper, Becky, I have positioned you for such a time as this. You are appointed and anointed!
God will most often call you to positions and platforms beyond your natural ability.
Then when Christ is able to use us, we know it is all Him! He delights to use the weak things of this world to confound the wise. That's the mystery of His kingdom.
Remember the parable of the mustard seed? Tiny seed, huge plant that takes over the garden (Mark 4:30-32). That simple story is a picture of what God wants to do in the world through you! You may feel inadequate and ill-equipped, unqualified and unworthy.
Great! You're just the type of person God delights to use.
Step out of your comfort zone and take a risk on behalf of the Kingdom.
Dare to believe that God wants to use you!
Pray that God will show you specific ways that you can be like the mustard seed in your neighborhood, community and beyond for His glory.

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