Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Dying for Faith -- Would You?

Dying for Faith -- Would You? by Oz Hillman
Yesterday we remembered 9/11 which took place 17 years ago in which 2,996 people died during the attacks in New York City, Washington, and a field in Pennsylvania. These attacks were inspired and carried out by supporters of the radical Muslim terrorist Osama Bin Laden.
Some of these people were old, but most were in the prime of their lives. They were going about their routine activities on a routine day that suddenly and without warning became an extraordinary day and an unprecedented event.
Many years have passed since that horrific day. I am now of the age where friends of mine are dying. Perhaps you are, too. It is sobering and it makes you ponder the brevity of life. We live on earth such a short time compared to eternity.
We are all going to die sooner or later. But will our lives count for Christ?
I was recently reading about the death of the disciples and the early church leaders. After reading their stories, I was deeply affected by their willingness to die for their faith.
I was convicted about my easy life. Chances are, I will never be tortured or stoned to death for my faith. But would I be willing to be? That was the question I pondered.
Read the following and see how the Lord touches you.
James the apostle, brother of John, was beheaded a.d. 44.
Philip the apostle was stoned and crucified a.d. 54.
Matthew the apostle was beheaded in Ethiopia a.d. 70.
James the apostle, son of Alphaeus, was stoned in Syria a.d. 60.
Matthias, the apostle who took Judas’ place, was stoned in Jerusalem a.d. 70.
Andrew the apostle was crucified in Patras a.d. 70.
Mark, author of the gospel bearing his name, was dragged to death in Alexandria, Egypt a.d. 64.
Peter the apostle was crucified in Rome a.d. 69.
Paul the apostle was beheaded in Rome the same day Peter was crucified a.d. 69.
Judas, also known as Thaddeus the apostle, was killed by arrows/ javelin in Armenia a.d. 70.
Bartholomew, also known as Nathanael the apostle, was skinned alive and crucified in Armenia a.d. 70.
Thomas the apostle was tortured, baked in an oven, and stuck through with spears in India a.d. 70.
Luke, author of the gospel bearing his name and Acts, was hanged in Greece a.d. 93.
Simon the Zealot the apostle was sawed in half in the Middle East a.d. 74.
James, half-brother of Jesus, was thrown from a building, stoned, and beaten in Jerusalem a.d. 62.
Timothy, Paul’s right-hand man and the Bishop of Ephesus, was stoned and beaten in Ephesus a.d. 80.
The world is not the home of those who profess Christ as Savior and Lord, and its hatred for HIM is evidenced in its treatment of His people.
These men could have lived out their lives quietly in their fields or in their workplaces, but they chose to live lives of sacrifice and purpose in the behalf of the Savior who died and rose again.
What about you?
What about me?
Father, help us to live lives worthy of dying for our faith.
God bless you. Stay in His grip,

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