Thursday, September 6, 2018

Resistance in the White House

Resistance in the White House by Bill Wilson
The New York Times has published an Op-Ed by an anonymous "senior official in the Trump administration" whose "job would be jeopardized by its disclosure." The essay paints the picture of an impetuous madman in the Oval Office who likes dictators, has little appreciation for America's allies, and is mentally unfit for office. The writer claims that government officials have joined an internal resistance movement to thwart the President's agenda and isolate their operations from Trump's influence because "we believe our first duty is to this country."
The timing of the article coincides with the release of a book "Fear: Trump in the White House" by investigative reporter Bob Woodward, essentially saying the same thing.
The Op-Ed supplies all the talking points for undermining the President. Indeed, it's publishing at the same time of Woodward's book release reinforces the points that there are people inside the White House who are protecting the country by vowing "to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting Mr. Trump's more misguided impulses until he is out of office."
And on cue, the piece has put on one page the narrative backing Woodward's book, encouraging the leftist talking heads to continue their diatribe to oust the president.
America is in a crisis. This is the very picture of creating a self-perpetuating narrative with no identifiable sourcing. It is a deep state masterpiece, an historical swamp-based attack to admittedly preserve what America elected Trump to shake up.
A key admission in the Op-Ed that should alert Americans to the agenda is the recalling from the grave the specter of establishment, one world order advocate, John McCain. T
he writer states: "Senator John McCain put it best in his farewell letter. All Americans should heed his words and break free of the tribalism trap, with the high aim of uniting through our shared values and love of this great nation. We may no longer have Senator McCain. But we will always have his example - a lodestar for restoring honor to public life and our national dialogue. Mr. Trump may fear such honorable men, but we should revere them."
This is no less an admission of the political moorings of the writer and the agenda of his "resistance."
You are watching history unfold. These are serious charges. Americans must discern whether they are true or if it is yet another wave of the coup attempt initiated by the Democratic Party and aided and abetted by the deep state and the media immediately following the 2016 election. Wisdom is needed.
There is now a clear stake in the ground where people who hide themselves and their identities are making claims that coincide with the leftist narrative.
Let us all pray that the Lord's hand be upon our nation and that Jesus' words in Luke 12:2 be manifest: "For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known."
The truth, if brought to light, will surely reveal wicked abominations

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