Thursday, September 6, 2018

We Can't Wait to Pray

We Can't Wait to Pray (ARE YOU PRAYING?)
The 'We Can't Wait to Pray!' Movement to Intercede for Candidates and Government Leaders Grows in the US - CBN News

Scripture calls us to pray for our leaders, and with the midterm elections almost here, Christians across the country are gathering by the numbers to do just that. CBN News spoke with several groups to get a feel for what appears to be a growing prayer movement spreading in the United States.

Maureen Bravo, one intercessor on the frontlines, started a prayer call-line during the 2016 election. She told CBN News that believers called in from all over the country to intercede for God's will. However, she noticed that once the election was over, the line went silent. And I sat down and I said, 'What's going on, God?' He said, 'The election's over. Everybody left the wall. Get back on the wall.'" And that's exactly what she did.

"Our 24-7 National Strategic Prayer Call was launched two days after the election," Bravo explained. Just like its name suggests, the line runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is definitely strategic.

Volunteer "facilitators" start each hour praying for President Trump and his administration. From there they move on to specific topics, like the midterm elections. "We're seeing a united prayer movement that I've never seen," Bravo said. "This is a time where there's a unity that I've never seen in the body of Christ."
- Father, we thank You for bringing intercessors to Your altar. Help us to remain in Your Spirit and have the heart of Jesus as we pray over our nation and President Trump and intercede for our world.

- And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. (Romans 8:27)

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