Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What Will You Do?

As JESUS hung on the cross, one of the final things HE said before HE gave up the ghost was, "FATHER, forgive them, they don't know what they do."
Our SAVIOR was bearing the sins of every person who ever lived. HE was bearing your sins; HE was bearing my sins. HIS crucifixion was the payment in full for all of our sin. How do you and I react to HIS having carried our awful burden?
Do we continue to go our own way, indulging our own desires, fulfilling our own dreams without regard to HIS will?
Or do we allow ourselves to see with our spiritual eyes the tremendous debt that has been paid in our behalf at the cross? Do we allow ourselves to pay the debt by accepting HIS payment in our behalf?
That one act of a lifetime makes the difference for each individual between eternal loss and eternal salvation.
What will you do at the foot of the cross?

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