Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The State of Our Culture

 The State of Our Culture

It has been interesting to see so many articles written lately in secular publications about the state of our culture. Even non-Christian, worldly publications, people are starting to realize the depth of depravity our culture has sunk into.
One lamented that much of our population is “lonely,” “miserable,” and “depressed.” They noted possible reasons being the lack of family, faith, and patriotism.
Another spoke of the low percentage of people in a “traditional marriage,” which is one man, one woman, for one lifetime. They pointed out the ever growing number of people who are divorced, many of them dissolve their marriages multiple times.
They point out many who aren’t divorced are currently in relationships with multiple people, even with multiple people of both sexes.
It is also noted that there is a growing percentage of adults who are still living with their parents.
Another recent report spoke of the fact we are currently in the worst drug and alcohol abuse crisis in our nation’s history.
God’s plan for marriage and the family has long been the foundation of our culture and the breakdown of God’s plan has led to the cultural decimation we have witnessed in real time over the past 40 years!
The abuse of drugs and alcohol as well as the large percentage of people who are lonely, miserable, and depressed is a phenomenon that is due to the feeling of being hopeless that follows a rejection of the Lord’s plan for life!
That hopelessness is a byproduct of the vast percentage of the last two generations that have never been to church, who are without faith or even knowledge of a loving God who redeemed mankind with His own shed blood.
The cultural woes even non-Christians are now writing about have as their root cause a population devoid of Biblical Truth and without hope or faith in God our Creator!!!
Hopelessness creates the void within the human heart and soul that only faith in Jesus Christ can fill.
May we who believe in Jesus as our Savior and Lord and soon-coming King be quick to share our great hope! May we spread abroad the joy we have in Jesus! May we raise our voice in “thanks unto God for His unspeakable GIFT.” II Corinthians 9:15.

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