Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eschew Evil

March 31

We tend to think we’re pretty good, that God ought to be pleased with us. We compare ourselves to reprobate individuals and we think the light of our integrity and honor shine like beacons compared to their evil deeds that are done in secret places of the dark. And if God compared us to them, we’d be right.

But, He doesn’t. Psalm 50:17-21 says, “You hate instruction and cast My words behind you…you consent with a thief and interact with adulterers. You speak evil and your tongue frames deceit; you slander your own family…I have kept silence and you thought I approved, but I will bring you low… if you do not repent and walk rightly before Me, praising Me.

God does not wink at our indiscretions. He does not condone our dalliances with the ways of wickedness. He maintains a standard that is above reproach, and although He knows we cannot attain it while we live in a tabernacle of flesh, He expects that we strive toward it. He knows our human effort is futile so He sent His Son to cover our sin with His shed blood.

How blessed we are that the Father who condemns our proclivity to walk at the precipitous edge of sin has also said in Psalm 50:23, “Whoever offers praise glorifies Me and to him that orders his conversation aright will I show God’s salvation.” When we praise Jesus for His sacrifice and eschew evil, His blood cleanses us from sin.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fight the Good Fight!

March 30

“Fight the good fight of faith! Take hold of eternal life! You were called to it! You’ve received it! It’s yours!” I Timothy 6:12 stirs our deepest impulse to go forth, empowered by the Holy Spirit, overflowing with hope, exuding faith! It compels us to be strong in the inner man so we may conquer hearts for His glory!!

And once we have embraced all that commitment to Christ is meant to be in us, we will allow it to become all it is meant to be through us! The walk of faith, the fight for faith, the pursuit of faith are not just for ourselves. They are the crucial first step, but if we stop there, we have missed our commission.

When we have enlisted in the Lord’s army of believers, when we have dawned the accouterments of our warfare—salvation, truth, patience, humility, godliness, love—it is then that we must go forth, bearing the precious seed that has come to fruition within us!

As we use love and truth to conquer hearts, many who are lost and alone in life’s journey from dust to dust will see and understand and embrace the fullness of Christ’s gift to those who will but believe and receive. A heart will have been conquered for Jesus. A child will have been born into His Kingdom.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Believer in Motion!

March 29

“Run from.” “Pursue.” In his first epistle, Timothy has the believer in motion! We are well exercised if we follow his counsel. I Timothy 6:10 admonishes us that the love of money, the pursuit of wealth can cost us dearly. Coveting wealth and the things it buys can cost us our faith and laden us with disappointment.

Temporal acquisitions afford a temporary satisfaction that comes with having the power to gain wealth through hard work or innovative thinking but the contentment it affords is short-lived. In I Timothy 6:11, we are shown a better way to spend our time and our energy.

“But thou, O man of God…pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, humility…” for these are the things that truly satisfy and these are the things that comprise the eternal treasure we should desire to possess. Will this heavenly wealth come to us easily?

Not if Timothy is correct! He goes on to say in verse 12, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life to which you are called and for which you have made a good profession of faith…” To pursue temporal wealth is to leave earth impoverished. To pursue eternal wealth is to leave earth abounding in riches!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Time to Enter His Rest

March 28

To each of us is allotted a span of moments and days and months and years that we are to configure into a life. We endeavor to make our lives into worthy reflections of our abilities, our interests, our hopes, our dreams and our loves. We mold our lives into a pattern unique to ourselves—beautiful in our way.

It would be difficult to recognize by the normality of our day-to-day activities that looming before each of us is the reality of hell to fear and heaven to lose. We focus on the ordinary responsibilities that fill our hours without a thought that the moment we breathe our last becomes the moment none of it matters in the least.

We avoid the thought of our own mortality. We defer the soul searching that each of us should do regarding eternity and where we will spend it. But the living Word of our Savior Jesus Christ admonishes that we confront that necessity and that we settle it to our eternal advantage. The Lord who loves us does not want us to be lost.

Hebrews 4:1 says, “While the promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear so that none shall miss it.” There is a limit imposed upon our opportunity to avail ourselves of life’s only truly important invitation. II Corinthians 6:2 tells us, “Behold now is the accepted time; today is the day of salvation.” Don’t let your opportunity for heaven be lost in the busy-ness of life’s mundane pursuits.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Strength and Light from His Holy Spirit

March 27

The evil one fully intends that mankind be conquered and placed under his control. The means he uses toward that end may vary from culture to culture, and even from individual to individual, but his goal remains—the subjugation of every living soul to his ruthless lordship.

There is no one who is more aware of the schemes and the intent to fulfill them that the enemy of the soul of man has toward humanity than is the Father who dwells in heavenly places. It is He alone who keeps the most precious of His creatures from the despotic hand of the enemy’s cruel subjugation.

What role do we play in this on-going conflagration between the Lord who loves us and the evil one who seeks our relegation to the plane of slaves to sin? Is there any weapon fashioned that mere mortals may wield in our own defense against such a formidable and determined foe? Is there any resistance to his wiles that is capable of preventing our undoing?

In I John 4:1 the beloved Apostle says, “…do not believe every spirit, but try the spirits to determine if they are from God.” When we are bathed in the blood of Jesus, we are given the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. If we are sensitive to His leading, He will keep us from succumbing to the continual effort of the enemy to deceive and destroy our eternal soul.

Friday, March 26, 2010


March 26

Our propensity for falling short of our desired goal is substantial. We have the capacity to disappoint ourselves at virtually every turn. When we let others down, there are often severe consequences to our falling short of their expectations of us.

The boss who finds us wanting will not long suffer our presence in his organization. The friend who finds us undependable will look elsewhere for companionship. There is only One who accepts us with all our failures and remains constant in His love for us.

John 1:16 states this remarkable truth beautifully. Here we are told, “Indeed, we have all received grace after grace from His fullness.” When we disappoint ourselves by our spiritual shortcomings, when we know we have not evidenced the reality that we are temples where the Holy Spirit dwells, even then, we may rest in the assurance that His grace covers us.

The Bible has assured us that the Lord Jesus loved us “while we were yet sinners” (Romans 5:8). If He died for us when we were at our worst, can we not accept the glorious reality of His love for us that transcends our foibles and helps us to strive toward the goal of Christ-likeness that we so profoundly desire? May we not trust that our sins remain under the blood in spite of ourselves?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Vain Puff

March 25

Some startling claims are made in the advertising world. From toothpaste that will whiten your teeth to an irresistible brightness, to automobiles that will out-perform all their competition, the consumer must beware of the ‘trade puffs’ that companies feel are justified in promoting their products.

There is One, however whose claims are not exaggerated. In fact, He is so amazing that there are not words within the lexicon of human language to convey His wonders to His creatures. Among the most astounding assertions the Bible conveys to us about God is that He loves us.

God, the Mighty One, the Majesty on high, feels so tenderly inclined toward man that He sent His only Son to die for our sins, to redeem us from destruction and to assure a place for us in His eternal home. I Corinthians 13:7, 8 states the scope of that love in terms that are at once easily understood while virtually incomprehensible.

This glorious passage states regarding the love of God that, “It always protects, always trusts, always perseveres. Love never fails.” When we are assailed by the circumstances of life, we are guarded from their onslaught. Because His love for us perseveres, we may trust in its efficacy. The promise that He will not fail us, will not remove His hedge of love from around us, is no vain puff.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Steadfastly Uphold HIM

March 24

There are several things that distinguish a believer in Christ from his counterpart in other religious systems. One major difference is that he need not ‘work’ to be saved from perdition. The Christian understands that his salvation is a free gift that he hasn’t the ability to earn—only Jesus can provide it.

Another distinction is that those who espouse the ‘God of all Truth’ (Deuteronomy 32:4) desire to be “…without iniquity, just and right…” as HE is just and right. The believer in the God of the Bible will endeavor to move heaven and earth to ascertain the essence of a matter; for he disdains duplicity of any sort.

The believer also understands that there is much deception afoot and there will continue to be until Jesus comes to reign in His glory. Revelation 12:9 states very clearly regarding satan, “The great dragon was thrown out…the ancient serpent…the devil…the one who deceives the whole world…” will no longer be able to weave his thread of lies over mankind and trap him in his web of sin!

Until that wonderful day, we who know the One whom to know is life and truth, must steadfastly uphold Him before those who are snared by the devil’s web. We must let the light of the glory of Jesus shine through us, exposing his lies. As the morning dew evaporates in the sun’s light, so must the devil’s web of sin disappear in the glorious light of the Son of the Living and True God.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Every Advantage

March 23

The Bible, in Colossians 2:2, speaks of our hearts being “…knit together in love…” It goes on to say that the result of the beautiful fabric that love will produce will be, “…comfort…all riches of the full assurance of understanding and acknowledging the mystery of God…”

We are advantaged when we come together in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. When we knit together to study Him, to worship Him and reverence Him, we grow in wisdom, faith and hope. When we are woven together in love for the Lord and love for our brothers in faith, we are also advantaged at the time of trial.

It is not easy to shoulder the burdens of life alone, but we who believe have a support system that transcends human help and touches Jesus Himself. The prayer of faith of the Body—the Church—lifts us and wraps us in power when we are at the point of need. The end to which this unity of spirit brings us is identified in
Romans 5:3, 4.

Here it says, “Tribulation produces patience and patience produces experience, which in turn produces hope.” The things we suffer cause us to strengthen in the inner man so our hope may abound so our faith may increase. This expands the power in our prayers and the rich treasure of our relationship with Jesus acquires the richness He desires us to have.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Know Your Heart

March 22

Books have been written on the topic of why bad things happen to good people. It is an inexhaustible point to ponder—much like one of the most perplexing questions of antiquity, ‘How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?’ The answer to the question about dancing angels may be, ‘Who cares?’ but we do care deeply about the ‘Why?’ of human suffering.

We care because we truly do want to guard ourselves against unpleasant eventualities. We train well for employment in order to command a high salary. We have our eyes examined to assure clear vision and avoidance of accidents. Being prepared gives us an edge in every situation.

But all this circumvents the ‘Why?’ of those events that intrude into the lives of good people and evidence the reality that there was nothing they could have done differently to avoid them. The Bible has an answer that supersedes all others ever pondered, discussed or written on the topic.

Deuteronomy 13:3 says, “The Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.” It seems that He who knows all things, including the heart of every man, wants every man to know his own heart.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wondrous Words

March 21

What is the most amazing thing you would ever hope to hear? Perhaps it might be the roar of the crowd as you cross the goal line to score the winning touchdown in a Superbowl game. Maybe it is the ‘Yes’ of your sweetheart as you propose marriage.

The sweetest words in your ears might be the affirmation of your boss that you have won a much-sought-after promotion. Or it might be the sound of all the people of the earth praying in concert for world peace. Although these certainly deserve consideration for the honor of most desirable words to hear, they’re not.

Imagine yourself on the threshold of eternity. Imagine that all the good works you have done have been brushed aside as irrelevant to the most momentous event of your existence. You are standing before Christ at the moment of judgment. You know you haven’t been good enough to be awarded Heaven but you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. All your hope rests in the relationship you have with Him.

You believe and are sure that just as your good works cannot save you, neither can your sins condemn you. He affirms this truth when He says, “Come, you who are blessed by My Father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” Matthew 25:34. At these amazing words, the portals of Heaven swing open and you are given entrance to the glories of eternity! There can be no more wondrous words in the human ear than these!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Believing Truth Compells Sharing Truth

March 20

When we speak for God, we must have a basis for presuming to do so. Oh, yes, the ‘Great Commission’ commands that we “…go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature,” Mark 16:15, but we must have doctrinal soundness upon which to establish what we preach.

We do not want to be among those who weave a new ‘truth,’ who fabricate theological error based upon our misunderstanding of truth or our unwillingness to accept the TRUTH that was set before us. If it is our genuine intent to further the Kingdom of Christ and His message of salvation, we will do so honorably.

And we will do so with strict adherence to the veracity of the Word. In
II Corinthians 4:13 it says our sharing of the word we’ve espoused must be, “In accordance with what is written, ‘I believed, therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore speak.”

Our motivation for sharing the Good News of Jesus’ love that brought Him to earth as a Man, and of His salvation which compelled Him to die on a cross for our sin, must be that we accept the veracity of what the Bible says about Him. Out of our belief then springs our obedience to share His TRUTH with others.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Real Control!

March 19

We pride ourselves on what we control. Some of us control teams of workers on a construction crew or in an office. Some of us manage large department stores or industrial enterprises. Some of us are in charge of governmental agencies. Some of us oversee matters that are vital to our nation’s security.

Some of us micromanage and some of us under-manage. Our ‘management style’ defines us to those who must work with us or work for us. The level of control we command over areas of our authority probably indicates as much about our self esteem as it does about our efficiency.

To whatever degree we do or do not delegate authority, we must assume command ourselves—indicating either the level of confidence we have in those working for us or the desperate need we have to build our self-confidence by maintaining complete charge of the entity we manage.

The Bible indicates another evidence of our ability to weld authority. In James 3:2 it says, “If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a mature man who is also able to control his whole body.” The defining factor of a person’s ability to be in charge is to control himself—and especially—to control his tongue!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


March 18

What can we trust? Who can we trust? Institutions and industries and governmental entities that just a decade ago seemed unshakable are on the verge of collapse. Religious ideologies that we were assured were peaceful, evidence ever-increasing bellicose intent.

Where can we turn for assurance in an age of exacerbating doubt and instability? The Word of God, the Holy Bible is God’s love letter to mankind. In it we find details of prior conflicts between forces of good and evil as well as prophetic warning of future calamitous conflagration between God and His archenemy.

Though ideological conflict may abound, though actual destruction and warfare may cloud the future, we may stand on the assurance that when all is said and done, when the conflict is over, the Lord Jesus and those who stand with Him will be victorious over evil!

God declares, “My Word that goes forth out of My mouth will not return to Me void but will accomplish that which I please and will prosper in the thing to which I send it” Isaiah 55:11. No matter how things look, no matter who appears to be winning—JESUS IS LORD and HE WILL BE PROVEN TO BE LORD!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Identify the Foe

March 17

We could become quite beleaguered by the fact that there is a relentless foe who seeks our destruction. Just as the vigil against terrorism must be constant because there is an enemy who desires our total destruction in the natural realm, so is there a devourer whose goal is to bring about our spiritual undoing.

Arguably, the vitriolic hatred that motivates the terrorist springs from the source that has declared itself to be the enemy of God and the destroyer of all things good. How is the believer in Christ to view the ongoing ideological as well as spiritual warfare that engulfs our age?

The first step is to recognize exactly ‘who’ our enemy is. The second is to be equipped with the weapons with which to fight that enemy. Ephesians 6:11, 12 affords insight into both. Here we are told that our mortal foe is not “flesh and blood.” Though terrorists may hate us and seek our destruction, it is not the people who harbor the hatred and commit the evil deeds who are our enemy.

The true enemy is the evil one whose goal is to darken men’s souls and thereby wreak their destruction. If we don’t “wrestle with flesh and blood,” but against “principalities, powers, rulers of spiritual darkness,” then our ultimate defense must be in the spiritual realm where we are admonished to, “Put on the whole armor of God so we may stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


March 16

“You have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, rather, you have received the spirit of adoption.” These words in Romans 8:15 have tremendous importance to us as believers. They are contrasting two very important options before us—the spirit of slavery to fear or the spirit of sonship through adoption.’

You have the power to be a slave to the enemy of your soul because of sin and your refusal to give up your attachment to its fleeting pleasure. Or, you can be a child to God who sent Jesus to die in order to release you from bondage and make you a beloved part of the eternal family of God.

The key word in each option is ‘received.’ ‘You have not received; you have received.’ These attitudes don’t just happen! The receptivity to slavery or to sonship does not occur apart from your consent. You will take to yourself the option that appeals to you.

If you elect to remain bound by the chains of sin—the sin of addiction or lust or anger or denial of Christ—that option is available to you. If you elect to be a child of God, that option is there for you to receive. Your free will is the determining factor. Your eternal destiny is established by the option you willingly embrace.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Gentle Reminder

March 15

Sometimes a gentle reminder is in order. When your husband leaves his dirty socks on the floor, a quiet prod may be all he needs to improve his penchant toward being a bit slovenly. If your wife announces for the third time this week that you’re ordering out, a longing glace toward the stove may remind her how much you enjoy her wonderful, home-cooking.

We tend to receive such nudges well. While we may not be at all receptive to the badgering approach or the rude order, we can accept the subtle hint or overt statement that there’s an area in which we are perhaps remiss. Deep within is our desire to please those we love and when we are reminded of the things they enjoy we are very likely to comply.

Jesus understood that our faith, too, at times needs a gentle nudge. In John 11:40 He saw the grief of Mary and Martha when they stood at the tomb of their brother Lazarus. He did not chastise them for their unbelief. Instead He simply reminded of them of something they’d heard Him preach about many times before. He said, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?”

The girls barely had time to dry their tear-filled eyes until they heard the bold proclamation that caused them and the entire, dumb-founded assemblage standing at the tomb with them to drop their jaws in wonderment! When Jesus commanded, “Lazarus, come forth,” every eye opened in amazement as Lazarus emerged from the grave! Hardly a quiet reminder of God’s power! Rather it was and is a bold declaration of what He can do for you when you trust Jesus!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stay the Course

March 14

Distractions abound. A young man who enjoys the company of a lovely girlfriend rolls the dice and risks losing a meaningful relationship when he turns aside to a superficial pursuit that he knows is just that—superficial. A student jeopardizes his opportunity to gain a great education by squandering his time on drinking binges with his ersatz friends.

A nation turns from tried and proven laws of governance and industry to follow the foolish machinations of inept politicians rather than the wisdom of statesmen. Man has a proclivity toward self-destruction that the enemy of God and of mankind pushes him toward relentlessly.

How is humanity to counter the downhill slide toward emotional, professional and national devastation? The Word gives us the insight we need to save ourselves from the destruction brought on by the schemes of the enemy and by our own folly. If we will heed the wisdom of God, He will empower us to prevail over the sins and foibles that can undo us.

Hebrews 12:1, 2 says, “Let us lay aside every weight and every sin that besets us…let us keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.” We must first realize the negative impact that our sin and our foolishness has upon us—and we must also realize the Source of our deliverance from it. If we allow Him, Jesus will help us to stay the course to stability and strength.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Keep Claiming It

March 13

How do you shape up in the perseverance department? How resolutely do you pursue the goals you have determined are worthy; how diligently do you apply steadfastness to spiritual goals? Are you as assured of your own commitment to Christ and His Kingdom as the enemy of your soul is to deterring you from them?

If you answer anything but that you are in it for the long haul, you are a candidate for falling by the wayside. The evil one will dog your heels and nip at your commitment relentlessly. If he can, he will attack you and devour your hope and devastate your faith. The devil will leave you spiritually dead if he can.

So what hope do you have if such a foe is determined to destroy you? You have every hope because “…greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world” I John 4:4. You must continually remind yourself that you are on the side of the Conqueror of sin and death and the grave! Does that mean your journey from here to eternity will be smooth sailing?

Perhaps; perhaps not, but as you travel through the trials and tribulations and challenges of life, be mindful of the promise Jesus made in Matthew 7:7, “Keep asking and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking and the door will be opened.” You will possess the fullness of all He assures is yours as you keep claiming it!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Follow Men Who Follow Christ

March 12

Throughout the history of mankind there have been outstanding men of wisdom and leadership. People such as Alexander the Great and George Washington rose like cream to the top of the circumstances of their day. They understood challenges and overcame them. They inspired people and led them to victory.

We study their lives and strategies and implement them today. Students at the Army War College study the battles of the brilliant generals of history. Wise leaders employ the insights of the great documents penned by history’s finest theologians and mathematicians and scientists and nation builders.

Those who are wise today realize that the foundation put in place by the great ones among our predecessors is vital to us in the building of our future. But there is one Source of insight that excels all others—that is the infinite wisdom of our glorious God and Savior Jesus Christ that is found in His holy Word the Bible.

As the prophet wrote in Jeremiah 10:7, “Among all the wise people of the nations and among all their kingdoms, there is no one like You.” We do well to follow people who follow the Lord. Any other leader can carry us at best to vain glory then to our ultimate destruction. He alone leads us to Heaven’s eternal joy.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Follow the One Who Is the Way

March 11

Life is uncharted territory with many twists and turns and side roads that can confuse us as we endeavor to find our way toward our goals. We follow the prescribed route to the best of our ability but the unforeseen eventualities we encounter along the way often require us to modify our route.

They might even require us to change our destination. Many of us can attest to the career modification that occurred because of an interrupted education or the romance that went sour because of military service…the examples are as endless as our lives’ stories.

But there is one destination that we must proceed toward resolutely. When the trials of life come and the winds of adversity assail us, we must maintain our course without detouring from it! Joshua 3:4 says, “…you can see the way to go though you haven’t traveled this way before.” It is clear that we must follow Jesus.

He is the only One who offers a viable answer to life’s perplexities and the direction to life’s ultimate destination. No matter what other destinations we may seek in life, if we do not make gaining eternal life our priority, if we do not follow the One who is the only Way to salvation, no other achievement will compensate us for the enormity of our ultimate loss.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

He's not Fooled

March 10

Some churches and some Christians appear to be thriving. In the case of the churches in question, the attendance might be high and giving may be generous; new people may find their way to the door every week. In the case of individual believers, they may seem doctrinally sound and evidence the gifts of the Spirit.

What more could a pastor hope for from his church? Yet, appearances can be deceiving. It says in I Corinthians 10:3-5, “They all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual water…but God was not pleased with them.” The truth of the matter is that God is not impressed with superficiality.

The Lord did not die on a cruel Roman cross so churches could boast of high attendance or squander the generous offerings of the people upon grand edifices. Nor did He sacrifice Himself so people could conduct endless intellectual discussions regarding doctrinal truths.

While these things may give the illusion of a thriving body of believers—the church pews may be full and its coffers overflowing; the Sunday school classes may boast of intriguing and profound lessons—but if it’s just a spiritual ‘game’ the Lord will be neither fooled nor pleased with what He sees.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

See As He Sees; Love As He Loves

March 9

We hear about the promises of God and begin to chomp at the bit! We can hardly constrain our desire to gather the beautiful things the Word says are ours to ourselves. If He has said we need only ask to receive, how utterly foolish we would be to fail to ask!

We know He’s promised salvation to those who will acknowledge their need for a Savior (John 3:16). We know that if we leave houses or land or family for Him, we shall obtain more than what we gave up (Mark 10:29). We know that if we give, we shall receive (Mark 10:21).

If our desire is to accrue more unto ourselves, it seems the way to do so is to give of ourselves. But II Peter 1:4 enlightens us to a better reason for selfless acceptance of Jesus as Savior and Lord of our lives. The truth found here extends beyond the acquisition of position or possession.

It says, “He has given us very great and precious promises so that through them we may share in the divine nature.” The Lord our God wants us to be like Him—not merely in ownership of things, for indeed, He owns everything, but in godly character that enables us to see as He sees and to love as He loves.”

Monday, March 8, 2010

I Know Whom I Believe

March 8

Have you ever heard the wise old saying, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”? It’s true. People of conviction are not likely to be suckered by charlatans. There are liars and schemers on every hand and the gullible will be caught in their cleverly woven deceit.

The person who knows what he believes and why he believes it will not fall prey to the devious politician or the pie-in-the-sky investment scheme, or the sweet-talking gigolo. The Word says, “…I know Whom I have believed…” II Timothy 1:12 and when what we believe is rooted in our trust for HIM Whom we believe, we cannot soon be shaken.

The concept of standing in faith, of standing fast even when the wind of adversity blows, enables the Christian to weather many storms. If we will hold fast to the Lord Jesus Christ, we will not find ourselves tossed about by winds of doctrine. We will not find ourselves searching for answers in blind alleys or along rabbit trails.

The prophet says in Isaiah 7:9, “If you do not stand firm in your faith, then you will not stand at all.” If we do not establish our belief in Christ, if we do not resolve to abide in faith no matter what difficulties we may face in life, we will find ourselves cast about by winds of doubt when problems come. But if we hold on to Jesus in faith, we will never succumb to the enemy’s falsehood.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

His Love Covers Our Sin

March 7

“For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” John 3:16. These are among the most precious words ever penned. This one brief sentence has given us more comfort, more hope, more peace of mind and spirit than those of a thousand libraries.

And just what is the essence of the blessing these words are to us? In a word, love. Because God loves us, unlovely and unlovable though we may be, He paid the price for our sin. The cost was beyond calculation but His love compelled Him to give Jesus as the payment for our sin, to buy us back from the enemy to whom we’d sold ourselves.

When we have received the free gift of salvation from sin for which Christ paid so great a price, when we are set free from guilt and sin and shame, what can we do to demonstrate our appreciation, to enable others to know Him whom to know is life? I Peter 4:8 gives us a glimpse of the answer that will help others to appropriate the Lord’s love and salvation for themselves.

It says, “Above all, love one another since love covers a multitude of sins.” We are to love others as Christ loves us. As His love covers our sin, so must we allow love to cover the trespasses that are perpetrated against us. When we do, we shall extend grace and forgiveness as He does—and by so doing, we will be the reflection of Jesus that draws men to His salvation.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stolen Salvation Package

March 6

In Joshua 10:10 we get an insight into God’s battle strategy against His archenemy. It says, “The Lord threw them (the enemies of Israel) into confusion before Israel. He defeated them in a great slaughter at Gibeon.” That’s what He wants to do for you when you come against that same enemy.

The enemy may assume a different guise for a different generation; he may assume a compatible demeanor rather than a confrontational one, but his intent is always the same. It is always his purpose to “…steal, kill and destroy” John 10:10—and you are his prospective victim.

The evil one wants to rob you of hope, of joy, of love, of truth—of everything that is included in Jesus’ salvation package. If he can steal your hope, you are destitute. If he can steal your joy, you are defeated. If he can steal your love, you are wretched. If he can steal your truth, you are confused.

When these negatives shroud the gift of salvation that Jesus died to purchase for you, you cannot see the enemy through the despair that he causes to envelope you. You cannot be an effective warrior in the army of Christ if you have become a casualty of the enemy’s lies. Stand on Christ’s Truth and put the liar to flight!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Undone by Our 'Right to Be Right'

March 5

Those of us who profess faith in Christ sometimes wonder why the whole world can’t see the veracity of His claim upon the lives of the children of men. We contemplate the transformation that would occur in relationships between individuals and among nations if only everyone were willing to embrace Jesus.

No more child custody battles, for marriages would be for a lifetime as God intended that they be. No more property disputes, for each man would respect his neighbor above himself. No more wars, for conflicting ideologies would be submerged in God’s glorious truth to which everyone would agree.

So what prevents such a large portion of our human family from receiving the truth that would set us free from such confliction? The answer to that question lies, at least in part, in Mark 8:34 where it says, “If anyone wants to be My follower he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me.” Self-denial is not a popular concept.

The cross—as an instrument of literal death or of dying to self—is avoided at all cost! Even if it means perpetuating inter-personal battles and international conflagration, we are not willing to deny our ‘right to be right’ or our desire to realize our goals in our way. Our selfishness may become our undoing, but we will go down to defeat battling for our desire to be realized as we choose!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Miracles Today!

March 4

Sometimes we believe, falsely, that the Lord does not do mighty works among us anymore. We relegate His miracles, if we believe them at all, to the realm of the past. Some Christians assert that miracles were necessary for the establishing of Christ’s Church, but they are no longer needed.

Of course, we have enough evidence from the Word to trust in His name and even if we never see a miracle, the miracle of our salvation should be sufficient to keep us firm in our faith, but that’s not how HE wants it to be. He declares Himself to be “the same yesterday, today, and forever” Hebrews 13:8.

That means He still performs miracles today! The wonders He did in the past should serve to remind us of His never-changing faithfulness to demonstrate His mighty power in the behalf of His people at the moment of their need. In Joshua 4:23, the children of Israel were reminded, “The Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you…just as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea.” He knew they needed a reminder of His faithfulness, so He supplied it!

When we are facing circumstances beyond our ability to overcome, when we are feeling helpless, when we appear to be ‘cornered’ by a great foe against whom we have no strength, it is then that we must reflect upon the wonders our miracle-working God has performed in the behalf of His people in the past. When the knowledge of His strength and faithfulness sink in, we’ll expect the same in our behalf, in our circumstances—today!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Woven into Christ's Tapestry

March 3

History is important. The old saying is that those who are unaware of the pitfalls of history will be doomed to fall into them themselves. Further, if a people is unaware of its national heritage, the price that was paid to attain its freedom, its ability to pursue happiness, they will not value it, will not resolve--will not fight if necessary--to keep it.

The same it true in the spiritual realm. If we are unmindful of the blessings that the God of Creation has lavished upon us as a nation, if we open our arms to embrace other gods who have not been so beneficent to those who espouse them, we will rob ourselves and our progeny of the further good gifts of the Lord.

We must assert as did Jacob (Israel) in Genesis 48:15-20, “The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day…cause thee to become a multitude of nations.” Because Jacob knew his history with God, he was able to bless his grandchildren and make them aware of their future as it would be blessed by God.

We, too, must know our history in order to be confident of our future. If we have no past relationship with the Lord, we must appropriate one for ourselves and our children. We must receive Jesus as our Savior and Lord—allow Him to weave us into the tapestry of His faithfulness from generation to generation. Then we may confidently assert as did Jacob, that the God of his fathers was his God—is our God!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Seasoned Words

March 2

One of the things most difficult to control is the human tongue. While we might, even in a spate of anger, control an impulse to throw a punch at someone, we may not be as able to keep fierce words of accusation and belittlement from escaping our lips.

The wounds inflicted by a physical attack against another individual will probably heal far sooner and far more completely than the wounds inflicted upon their spirits by an unbridled tongue. There are people who, even in adulthood, bear the wounds inflicted upon their psyche by the harsh words of their parents.

The Bible has an anecdote for this kind of childhood trauma and its incumbent adult misery. The Word has a way one may preserve the relationships of today from the barbed criticisms of yesterday. Colossians 4:6 says, “Your speech should always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person.” Grace—unmerited favor, undeserved kindness; seasoned with salt, to spare the spoilage of a spirit—must be applied liberally.

If we will resolve to utter words of kindness and encouragement, if we will use our words to lift rather than to burden the spirits of those around us, we will make great strides toward the destination of loving our fellow man that we as believers profess to desire. While the only deliverance from the deep-seated pain of harsh words must come from Jesus, the awareness of that deliverance is delivered by those who believe in Him.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Bit Guides the Whole

March 1

We’ve all heard someone referred to as a ‘free spirit.’ The term conjures an image of an individual who does things his own way, someone who thinks outside the box. A free spirit is a nonconformist, the person who lives life on his own terms without regard to conventional wisdom or the opinions of others.

But is the whole concept of being a free spirit an illusion? Is there really such an entity on the planet as a free spirit? The reality might be entirely different than the perception. An old Bob Dylan song puts it this way, “…everybody’s gonna’ serve someone.” If that’s true, the question becomes, “Who am I serving?”

James 3:3 says, “When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we also guide the whole animal.” It isn’t merely the horse’s mouth or the horse’s head that is turned because of the bit in his mouth, it is the whole animal.
What ‘bit’ is in my mouth? What ‘bit’ is in your mouth?

Who or what is it that guides us? Who steers us in the direction we go? If we have given our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, it should be the Holy Spirit that we follow. If we have not made our hearts His temple, we will follow our lust, follow our folly, follow the enemy of our souls into the dark by-ways of sin where the destruction of our spirit will occur in the secret places of iniquity.