Thursday, December 31, 2009

May Your New Year Be Happy and Blessed

December 31

As we come to the conclusion of a year, it is a blessing to be able to reflect upon its events and conclude that in spite of any set-backs or disappointments we may have experienced, the year has been a good one. If we are honest with ourselves, we will acknowledge that at the year’s difficult times, Jesus was there.

His presence with us during the moments of sorrow and loss, the hour of challenge and struggle may not have been the most pleasant times of our lives, but they were certainly the times that tried our faith and proved our spiritual metal. It was those times we best understood His promise to abide with us.

As we stand at the threshold of a new year and contemplate its opportunities and its challenges, we hold fast to the promise in Psalm 128:2, “You shall eat of the fruit of your labor and blessed shall you be. It shall be well with you.” This word encompasses the entirety of our hope.

We are assured that our labor will produce fruit. In a fractured economy, this is an optimistic hope! If that simple promise is fulfilled, we will be relieved from the stress of the day. If we are blessed as the word assures, our fate will not be contingent upon the changing tide of human events but be steadfast in Him.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 30

In a beautiful prayer of supplication, David sets forth the desire of our own hearts. We read Psalm 90:17 and add our voice to its plea: “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish Thou the work of our hands…” for emphasis it reiterates, “…yea, the work of our hands, establish Thou it.”

Most of us recognize that apart from the Lord’s touch upon our lives we cannot hope to realize the aspirations of our hearts through our labor. The essence of what is beautiful in life comes not from the baubles it allows us to wear or the possessions it enables us to display in our fine homes. Life’s lovely things are felt within.

The satisfaction we feel at a job well done is beautiful. The delight that warms our hearts as we watch children play gleefully is indescribably lovely. The joy we feel in our ability to lend a helping hand to one in need is beyond compare to any mere worldly acquisition we may obtain as reward for our labor.

We realize that for any endeavor of ours to be abiding—whether in the realm of professional achievement or of personal interaction—it must be established by the Lord. We desire that He place His stamp of approval upon our life’s work so it may be beautiful, so it may be established, so it may enhance the beauty of life.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29

Some Biblical concepts are difficult to grasp at first reading. Our inability in understanding springs at times from our changing value system. Ideas that were absolutes in the day when the scripture was penned have evolved until in our day they are subject to ‘situational ethics.’

Besides that, there is the reality that modern life has altered some very basic facts of life, for example, our society anticipates that everyone shall have equal opportunity to acquire the things that make life worthwhile. The precept in the days of scripture writing was that each man fended for himself as best he could.

Furthering that concept, Proverbs 19:22 says, “The desire of a man is his kindness and a poor man is better than a liar.” At first contemplation this is a confusing statement indeed. What has a man’s kindness to do with his integrity in being truthful? How can the tenderness a man feels toward those he loves be equated in any stretch of the imagination to his honesty?

The point being conveyed is that there is joy to an individual in being kind to those he loves and in achieving success, but the delight of those human expressions of bliss are overshadowed to an immeasurable degree in God’s eyes as well as in the man’s own eyes if he is a liar. A poor man of integrity is esteemed above a wealthy man whose gain is gotten by subterfuge.

Monday, December 28, 2009

December 28

So, have you completed your list of New Year’s Resolutions? Have you determined (one more time) to eat a healthier diet? Are you going to be faithful to your exercise regimen? Perhaps you’re going to express your love and appreciation more fully to the significant people in your life. Sounds great!

At the top of our list of New Year’s resolutions should be this one that will assure the success of the entirety of our agenda for the coming year. We must allow the Christ who loves us to determine who we will be and what we will do in the days and weeks and months that He’s set as a clean slate before us.

There is a glorious promise in Jeremiah 7:23 that should stir our hearts with expectation as we appropriate it to ourselves as our motto for the new year that lies before us and for the entirety of the life that He will give to us as time unfolds into the glorious eternity that He has prepared for those who love Him. It says:

“…Listen to Me and obey My voice and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in the way that I have commanded you so it will be well with you.” When we walk in His way, follow His law, embrace Christ’s salvation, we know our resolutions will be blessed for time and eternity with everything God esteems.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27

We are at the threshold of a new year. It holds much promise for us. At its onset, we will resolve to rectify all that we’ve done wrong in the past and to resolutely pursue the worthy goals that we aspire to achieve in the future. We consider ourselves to have a new beginning before us.

We must sort through the closet of our minds and determine the value of what we have stored there. What is hanging on the shelves of our thoughts that is worth the space it’s occupying? What is cluttering the corners of our minds that should have been discarded long ago?

The Word tells us, “Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are right…think on these things” Philippians 4:8, and we would do well to clear out the thoughts that degrade us or depress us or diminish our hope. We must focus on the lofty things that the Lord would have us to do and to be.

Philippians 3:13,14 tells us that we must, “…forget what lies behind and press forward into the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” To press forward is to continue to do the things that He’s called us to do, to think what He’s called us to think—and to discard our clutter of ungodliness in all its forms.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26

Solomon said something in Ecclesiastes 2:24 that is a powerful truth as far as it goes. Here, the wisest man who ever lived proclaimed, “There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink and make himself enjoy the good of his labor from the hand of God.”

Yes, God wants His people to enjoy the fruit of their endeavors and He wants them to enjoy prosperity, yet He does not want the acquisition of wealth or the accumulation of things to be the heart and soul of a man’s heart and soul. Our Lord has better for us than the enjoyment of the gain our hands have gotten.

I Timothy 6:6 says, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” Ultimately, the best treasure we can acquire is that which comes when we have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior and recognize that the washing away of our sins in His shed blood that we may spend eternity with Him is our greatest gain.

When we have recognized the enormity of the gift He has purchased for us, we will want to please Him in all our ways—not because we are trying to earn the salvation He gave as a free gift but because we love Him and want Him to delight in us—and that godliness will accrue to our spiritual account as great gain!

Friday, December 25, 2009


December 25

Psalm 25:5 proclaims a glorious truth. It assures that God will, “Guide me in truth and teach me, for He is the God of my salvation and I wait expectantly for Him.” Along that same line is the promise of Habakkuk 2:3, “The vision is for an appointed time…though it tarry, wait for it, for it will surely come.”

On this day of celebrating the birth of Jesus, the long-awaited One, we reflect upon the patience of the prophets who foretold His coming. Through long years, centuries, of anticipation, they proclaimed the appearance of the One who would deliver them from oppression and govern them in righteousness.

The God of truth guided them in truth and taught them of His plan, and though that plan was long in coming, they waited for it, knowing that He was worthy of all their trust. As Hebrews 11:1 recounts, they stood on faith which is the substance of all their hope when there was no visible evidence of the promise.

We who wait for Jesus’ Second Coming in power and glory to reign in peace and love over mankind, may say with Simeon, “My eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared for all people, a light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel (Luke 2:30-32). And we expectantly await His return.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 24

God has rest for His people. It is His intention that those who trust in Him for the fruition of their labor will not exceed a reasonable limit of work in order to achieve all they need or desire but they will believe His promise to cause the labor they perform to prosper (Proverbs 16:3).

If we don’t accept God at His word, if we do not trust Him to fulfill His promise, we will assume the responsibility to achieve our prosperity. Perhaps part of the matter will require us to answer the question, “Do I want what God wants for my life or do I want more than He appears willing for me to have?”

If we are not satisfied with the Lord’s level of provision for us, we will continually strive for more. Perhaps it is when we have a goal that compels us to desire more of the world’s treasure than of heaven's treasure that we strive beyond the reasonable level of labor that God intends us to perform.

Hebrews 4:9,10 says, “There is a Sabbath rest awaiting the people of God where they have ceased from striving, just as God rested from His labors…” If we have confidence in Him, we will wait upon Him when we have done what He set before us to do and we will be content in His provision, in His sufficiency.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 23

Hebrews 4:11 states something of an oxymoron. It says, “Let us exert ourselves and strive diligently to enter that rest of God that no one may fall or perish in unbelief and disobedience.” Strive to rest. Isn’t that true of physical life as well as of spiritual life!

We look forward to a weekend but must accomplish the tasks before us Monday through Friday before we can enjoy the time off from work. We have food to prepare before we are able to sit down to a relaxing meal. We yearn for peace with God but must strain against our natural proclivity of worldliness to attain it.

Strive to rest. Indeed we will lapse into a continual state of hyper activity if we do not establish boundaries for ourselves that limit the time we spend at grinding, wearing labor. The workaholic has nothing to show for his efforts but fleeting success in the workplace and undermined health and relational stress at home.

The correlation between our physical and emotional well-being and our spiritual rest is indisputable. Statistics evidence the relationship between our ability to cope with the demands of our lives and our willingness to establish time for communion with God. May we not rob ourselves of the refreshing He gives.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22

God expects us to love one another. Not merely profess love. Not just say that we love. Not simply give tokens of affection. God expects us to love. When we give love, we are giving that part of our self that holds The Lord within, for when we love truly, we are not really giving our self, we are sharing Christ.

I John 4:7 says, “Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and he who loves is of God and he who loves understands God.” Love is of God. Anything that is of God is first and foremost honorable and pure. There is no stain of ulterior motive or wrinkle of self interest involved when it’s truly God’s love.

Certainly, we may go through a lifetime of interacting with others under the guise of loving them—often we’re deluding not only them but ourselves as well. We make a pretense at love and we attain a sense of comfort within a relationship we deem to be a loving bond with another human being.

But if we’re honest with ourselves, willing to recognize the selfishness that underlies our love—I love because I need to feel needed; I love because I feel better about myself if I reach out to others—when we see the futility of our false love, we will then yearn to receive and give the real thing—and turn to Jesus!

Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21

The Lord who created the entirety of all that exists in six days and then rested on the seventh day knows the value of taking a break. In our modern world, rest is virtually unheard of for some people. When they aren’t actually working at their place of business, they are traveling in order to further business interests.

This lifestyle, designed for professional success and financial gain is ultimately destructive to a life. While the enterprising business executive or the rising money manager—name the branch of the work-a-day world that best fits you—is straining to succeed, the life he’s trying to enhance by his efforts is falling apart.

Personal relationships that once seemed perfect begin to disintegrate, children who adore their parents and are dearly loved in return begin to feel the sting of neglect, stress and sleeplessness exacerbate health concerns. The cycle of pursuing the dream and reaping brokenness goes on without end.

Were we to follow the Lord’s counsel from Psalm 116:7 which says, “Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you,” we would realize both physical and spiritual rest. If, when we had performed reasonable labor, we would leave the outcome to the Lord, He could bless both our work and our rest.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20

We live in an ever-coarsening world. Our children and grandchildren will not know the delight of TV viewing that generated wholesome laughter and inspired heroism. They won’t be privy to the early movies that always resolved moral issues according to godly mores--and the good guys always won.

Because our society is bombarded by evil and debauchery, our children and grandchildren won’t find it easy to abide in the promise, “The effect of righteousness will be peace and the result of righteousness will be quietness and confident trust forever (Isaiah 32:17).

Yet, the truth of God is eternal and though it may be difficult to find the path of godliness through the maze of sin’s many alluring side roads, the one who desires to know the Lord in the beauty of His holiness can still find his way to the side of the Savior.

We know that He does not expect us to walk the path alone. He has assured us that He will always be with us. When we allow Jesus to take up residence within—to be Lord of our life—we receive the Holy Spirit as our Guide. When we don’t know where to turn to avoid evil, He will point us in the way of righteousness.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19

When Jesus spoke the words in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” the world was a much simpler place. It was an agrarian society and, baring the unforeseen hardship of a bad crop, things were pretty simple on a day-to-day basis.

Even the ordeal of living in an occupied country where foreign troops could be seen on every street, though somewhat troubling, had no direct impact on the daily lives of the people who dwelt in Judah during Jesus’ day. Yet, Jesus recognized that many of the citizenry were heavy laden.

He sees that in us, too. He knows the pressure of trying to make a living in a difficult economy. He knows the stress of being unemployed and without health care. He knows the frustration of working diligently to provide for a family and having to deal with high taxation that renders ones labor to none avail.

He knows the anxiety that comes regarding issues of health and of fractured relationships and the incalculable stress of living in a world at war with itself on so many fronts. Yet, His invitation, His promise to all is that when we cannot endure any longer, we may lay our burdens upon Him and receive His rest.

Friday, December 18, 2009

December 18

Freedom is the benchmark of Christianity. Freedom first and foremost from the wage of sin that is death is the paramount gift we receive from our Heavenly Father through the shed blood of His Holy Child Jesus. We praise Him for that freedom and we rejoice in the free gift of salvation that we know is ours.

Because we know we are free for time and eternity, we recognize that we have every advantage over the lost who have not received the unspeakable gift that is too wonderful to even be uttered in finite terms. Because we know we are free, we long to share our freedom by directing others to Jesus, its Source.

I Corinthians 10:23 assures us that once we believe, “All things are legitimate and we are free to do what seems right in our eyes, but, though we are free to chose our course, all things are not expedient. Though all things are legitimate, not all things are edifying.” It behooves us to choose those things that lift us up.

Our Lord desires above all things that we grow in Him. He would not have us to linger at the trough of high mindedness or conspicuous consumption or self aggrandizement. He would have us go forth as ambassadors of His Kingdom, inviting souls to taste and receive of the blessed freedom He’s supplied to us.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17

‘Follow the Leader’ is a childhood game in which we delighted but it is not a good idea to continue following indiscriminately in adulthood. Some of us still do it, though. We catch ourselves desiring the things that others have, striving for the goals they’ve achieved. We’d perhaps change lives with them if we could.

We know things aren’t always as good as they appear in the lives of those whom we envy and emulate but we’ve succeeded in deluding ourselves into believing that they are. We’re convinced that the lives of the successful, happy people around us are certainly better than the paltry existence we’re experiencing.

We want to follow their path to the goals we’re sure we’d realize if only we could have the roadmap they used for success. How do we succeed professionally? Check the map! How do we assure rewarding relationships? Check the map!
How do we realize our dreams? Check the map.

But God’s Word, which has a better plan than any we can contrive, states a sure-fire route to joy, which is the underlying desire of our yearning. Romans 8:14 says, “All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” If we believe that, we know we are His children—and trust our loving Father to always guide us rightly.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16

Ephesians 4:23 is a short verse that leaves room for contemplation. Here Paul writes to the believers. “Be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind.” We think of spirit and mind as separate entities, and perhaps they are essentially, for one is associated with spiritual revelation and the other with worldly knowledge

But here Paul is indicating an aspect to the essence of who we are that he identifies as a ‘spirit of your mind.’ What he seems to be saying is that there is a connection between what we think and what we espouse in the realm of our spirit.

Perhaps it is this correlation that causes some individuals to be so different in their thinking and in their perception of life in general and of God’s requirement of man in particular. Could it be that the spirit to which we surrender ourselves has a profound impact on how we think? On what we consider to be reasonable? Most people in the Western world base their world view in Christian thought. Acts of violence are repugnant to them.

An extreme example of an opposing view might be a suicide bomber. Is it mere coincidence that someone who has opened his mind to extreme hatred for those whose convictions are not his own would have the capacity to commit murderous acts? Had that same individual surrendered his mind to thoughts of love and peace, the spirit that drove him would have had no power over him. Our spirits become the captive of our thoughts. We must guard them well.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15

Everyone knows it’s wise to save for the future. No matter how much or how little money you earn, it’s important to have a program by which a designated amount is set aside on a regular basis for the future. Even in an uncertain economy, the individual who has prepared for the future will not be intimidated by the future.

There is another area besides the realm of finance where the Word of God advises storing up for the future. It is an unlikely one but if contemplated objectively its wisdom can be discerned. The admonition can be found in Proverbs 19:20.

In this passage it says, “Hear counsel, receive instruction and accept correction that you may be wise in the time to come.” This actually flies in the face of what most of us believe regarding counsel and instruction and correction. First of all, we generally don’t think of these tidbits of advice as resources to be stored.

We may endeavor to graciously receive them when they are doled out to us, we may be rebuffed by them and we may be required to bite our tongue to keep from being dismissive of them, but we don’t value them as viable investments into our future. If we heed them, if we employ them, however, they may serve us well.

Monday, December 14, 2009

December 14

John speaks words of truth with the tenderness that comes from having been the disciple whom Jesus loved. Of course, the Lord loved them all, but John was more sensitive to that love. He felt it more than the others did and he cherished it with a fervency that few among those who follow—then or now—can feel.

Because of his profound awareness of the love of Christ, John’s life was a clear reflection of Jesus. Whether he was a young man who desired to sit at His right hand when He came into His Kingdom or whether he was an old man who was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos, his every thought was directed toward being a living epistle of the Lord he loved in return.

In I John 3: 23, 24 the beloved Apostle writes, “This is God’s commandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another as He says. Anyone who keeps His commandments dwells in Him and He in them. This we know by His Spirit within us.”

The concept of abiding is an essential one to believers in Christ because one of His foundational promises to those who lay their lives at His feet is that He will abide in them. Because He will never fail or forsake the people who love Him (Hebrews 13:5), it behooves us to live as we are—precious in the beloved.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13

The concept of ‘slavery,’ does not sit well with modern Americans. When we think of children in bondage to cruel masters who require physical labor or sexual favors of them, we are aghast at the notion that such practices exist today. We wish that all humankind were enlightened in this world of darkness and depravity.

It is our desire that people be free—those in bondage and those who keep them bound—to worship God and to serve Him with hearts that love one another with His own love. Rather than abuse or oppress those who are helpless among us, the Lord would have us to love them, to free them from all manner of bondage.

Yet there is an ultimate form of slavery that will exist until the worlds dissolve on that great and glorious day when Jesus comes to make all things new. Jesus has said that as a man cannot serve two masters (Luke 16:13), a man cannot serve God and worldliness. Man will adhere himself to one or the other.

The difference between serving God or serving the world is that the world binds, but God sets man free. II Corinthians 3:17 says, “...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” When we bind ourselves to Jesus, He sets us free. Nothing can deny us freedom when our sprits are liberated by His Spirit.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 12

The God we serve is not a god of penury. His intent is that we who believe shall have life, and, as Jesus said in His own words, “I have come that they might have life and that more abundantly” John 10:10. He does not expect that we forsake all desire of prosperity in life to gain the endless blessing of eternity.

His concept of blessedness was sown into the Word from its earliest chapters. One of the passages that convey His desire to bless and prosper His people goes back to Zechariah 8:12. Here it states, “For there shall the seed produce peace and prosperity. The vine shall yield her fruit and the ground shall give its increase…I will cause the remnant of this people to inherit all things.”

“All things.” That is quite an encompassing promise. Our heavenly Father desires to bestow upon His children of all that is His. He owns everything that exists in the universe. The stars in the heavens, the distant planets, the as yet undiscovered galaxies are His. There is nothing the eye can see or the mind can imagine that does not spring from His endless coffers.

The soil in which we sow our grain belongs to the Lord. From the furthest unseen realm of space to the tiniest particle of earth that gives nurture to the food we consume, all of it belongs to Him. And He desires to share all of it with us. As the mysteries of space are revealed and as the harvest comes in its season, He continues to be faithful to His Word.

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11

I John 4:20 points out, “If a man says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar, for if he can’t love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?” God is not giving any extra credit on life’s test for good intentions. If we love Him—truly—the proof of that will be our love for others.

Romans 12:9-11 goes on to say, “Let love be sincere; hate what is evil and hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection, giving honor to one another and fervently serve the Lord.” The Lord will not accept a counterfeit love when we profess our love for Him or for our fellow sojourners through life.

He expects that the love we extend to both Him and to those around us will be that which flows from His own heart. We are merely conduits of His love to those who are perishing for a lack of it. As we love with His abiding love that wells up within our hearts, that love will have no strings attached. It will be pure.

If we truly love Jesus, we will strive to maintain the integrity of the love He gives to us. As He honors us by making us co-heirs to His eternal Kingdom, so we will honor those to whom we witness His salvation by loving them into the fold. In so doing, we will be adding to the community of faith as we fervently serve Him.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10

I Peter 4:8 tells us that “…love covers a multitude of sins.’ That is nowhere more evident than in Jesus on the cross. Because He loves us so much, He lived the sinless live we cannot live and died the death we’re no longer required to die. We who believe in Him are to be imitators of Christ. So, we must forgive.

Forgiveness does not come naturally to fallen man. The old saying is, “I don’t get mad, I get even.” Left to ourselves, we will be part of an endless cycle of offense and retaliation. Left without Jesus, we would be no better than ravenous beasts who fall upon their prey and fall upon one another.

But when we have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, when we have allowed His Holy Spirit to remold and reshape us into a reflection of Himself, we can appropriate the beautiful words of II Corinthians 13:11 which say, “Brethren…be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace—and the God of love and grace will be with you.”

It is a beautifully completed cycle—He loves us, He lives for us, we see our need, we allow Him to supply our need, we are transformed from darkness to light and from hatred to love. When that happens, He takes us from glory to glory—perfecting us to dwell eternally with Him. Knowing the peace that comes with this comforting awareness allows His grace to be manifested to others through us.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9

We serve a Holy God. His character is without blemish. He is of “purer eyes than to behold evil…” Habakkuk 1:13; He will not look upon sin. That’s why when Christ hung on the cross, bearing the sin of all mankind for all time, He cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ Mark 15:34.

Yet as far removed as He is from sin, God understands ours. Because He knows our frame, He made provision for our cleansing from sin before the foundation of the earth (Revelation 13:8); because He loves us, He wants us to be free from sin so we can enjoy fellowship with Him for time and eternity.

His love is definitive of His character. In fact, love is so much the essence of who He is that the Word tells us “…God is love…” I John 4:16. Apart from God there is no love—there may be a counterfeit of love, but there is no true love without God. And out of that great boundless well of who God is, springs that other glorious aspect of Himself—forgiveness.

If we allow our blind eyes to receive the eye salve that enables us to see our need for Christ as our Savior, and allow our minds to apprehend the truth that of ourselves we are worthy of nothing but eternal death, then we can grasp the promise of Psalm 130:4 which says, “There is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared and worshipped,” and worship we will from hearts of love!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8

Our tendency is to measure our happiness by the circumstances of our lives. If things are going well, we count ourselves to be happy. If life has hurled difficult challenges our way we allow ourselves to become fraught with anxiety, with stress, with depression. Our prayer is for deliverance.

But James 1:12 informs us that, “Blessed is the man who is patient under trial and stands under temptation, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.” Tests come to everyone.

As an athlete must buffet his body, discipline himself to endure stringent physical exercise in order to be well-prepared for the contest before him, so must the believer be disciplined to be prepared for the spiritual contest before him. The athlete who is out of shape won’t stand in the winner’s place and neither will the believer.

The enemy of the Lord desires that the man of God falter and fail! But if the Christian can recognize the nature of his opponent and if he can appropriate the reality that Jesus has equipped the saint to not only engage in the contest but to prevail over the wiles of the enemy, he can take joy in not only the promised victory but in the battle itself, for it is training him for eternal glory!

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7

We who are free from bondage to the law because Jesus fulfilled all the law in our behalf sometimes have difficulty grasping exactly what the law is to us. Because Jesus complied with every jot and tittle of the law’s stringent demands, we are able to appropriate to ourselves His total obedience.

Though we don’t have to be encumbered with the minutia of the law, we are advantaged by its benefit, for the Lord has given us the fullness of His obedience. Though we have utterly failed to keep the law, our acceptance of Jesus and His complete keeping of the law is credited to our heavenly account.

It is important that we are mindful of the totality of the Lord’s redemption. It was bought for us with the incalculable price of His death in our behalf and of His sinless life. Had He failed the law in one point, His sacrifice could not have bought our salvation!

James 1:25 recommends therefore, that, “…he who looks into the faultless law of liberty must not be heedless and forget, but must be a doer of the law and be blessed.” Because of our Lord’s perfect, sinless sacrifice, we have the chance to live as He lived—free from the chains of sin and death; free to walk in blessing.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6

When the Almighty One who dwells in eternity, the Glorious One who has no beginning and has no end fashioned the earth and everything that exists, He did not labor to produce it; He merely spoke-and it was. Only with man, the creature upon whom He bestowed His love, did He use His hands to fashion him.

The Lord who spoke and mountains were formed, who uttered the command and the stars were flung into space, reached down and touched the dust of the earth and breathed upon it and created the crowning jewel of His creation. And when man, upon whom He had lavished His love, betrayed Him, He worked again.

This time, the Majesty from on High assumed the visage of a man and came to earth to do the work of salvation that man could not do in order that man would have the opportunity to have restored fellowship for time and eternity with the One who did the work of salvation that sets errant man free from sin and shame.

The Holy One who has no peer, the Eternal One by whom exists all that we see and touch and taste and hear says that as He worked, so should we. In fact, if it is our goal to achieve greatness, our path to that end is via servanthood. As Jesus came to work, so must we. We work by freely sharing Him with others.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5

Jesus observed in Matthew 6:27 that our much contemplation could not add an inch to our stature. There are some things that simply aren’t worth the time and energy we put into fretting about them. It doesn’t matter how desperately I want to look like a runway model, I simply won’t—not even in high heels.

What then, about the things that may have the potential to be changed? What should I do about them? Should I try to advance in my career? Should I concern myself with losing a few pounds? Should I trade in my old but reliable car on a newer model even though doing so would stretch my budget?

Psalm 37:5 has a viable solution to every quandary I face. The Lord here affirms His absolute watch care over everything that concerns my life. He says, “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass.” The One who holds eternity in the hollow of His hand holds you, holds me.

We have no need of disconcertion over the affairs of Life. The Lord knows what we have need of and He will supply. Does that mean we absolve ourselves of responsibility for our own well-being? It does not. It simply means that when we have done all we can, we relax, rest in faith, and trust Jesus with the outcome.

Friday, December 4, 2009

December 4

Sometimes we can’t help but marvel at the individuals who gain the seat of power. Within companies, top executives defy employees’ understanding of how they came to their lofty positions. Governmental representatives seem wholly out of touch with their constituents and are elected—sometimes over and over again—despite being unresponsive to the will of the people.

Even more mind boggling is that God has opened the gates of Heaven and invited people like us to gain entry simply by receiving Jesus as our Savior. He hasn’t required an elaborate time of preparation on our part. He doesn’t demand that we fulfill stringent requirements for entry. We simply must believe in Jesus.

And when we have come to faith in the God-Man who left His home in glory to sojourn as one of us, we do not need to expect to be elevated above those around us who have not yet come to faith. In fact, the Word tells us that the opposite will be the case. Once we have given ourselves to the Lord, we will be like Him—humble in spirit, not grasping at what we have, but releasing all we possess to be used for His purpose.

Matthew 20:26-28 says, “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant; whoever desires to be first among you must be your slave, as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and gave His life a ransom for many.” The key to greatness in God’s Kingdom begins with surrender and continues with relinquishing—with giving up our rights, with giving up our resources—and relying totally upon His promise that through Jesus we shall prevail.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3

I Corinthians 2:16 extends an amazing thought. It says we, “have the mind of Christ; we hold the thoughts of His heart.” It is beyond comprehension that the great mind that designed the entirety of all that exists, that devised the plan of salvation, that orchestrated the transformation of man from mortal to eternal dwells within those who believe!

Just believe. It’s too simple a plan. Anyone can do it. It’s far more difficult to enter some gated communities, to access individuals who consider themselves to be important, who count their time as too valuable to waste on anyone who doesn’t measure up to a certain standard, than to join the community of heaven!

What is God thinking? How can He be so lax in His criteria for membership in His enclave of faith that anybody, that a ‘nobody’ can be included simply by receiving Christ as Savior and Lord? How can it be that instead of devising a lofty scheme to prove worthiness, all one must do is acknowledge that he is unworthy? In a word, what God is thinking is ‘love’.

In a nutshell, God has kept the plan simple and accessible so that whoever desires to participate may do so. The only thing that can keep an individual out of heaven is the individual himself. The only way one may be denied salvation is if one rejects it. Jesus stands with open arms to receive sinners who, when they receive Him, also receive His heart and mind.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2

My grandmother was born into a well-to-do family in Italy. Their prominence in their village was based in the fact that they raised grapes and olives from which they produced wine and olive oil. They had a thriving enterprise and my grandmother wanted for nothing as a young girl.

She followed her husband to America where her children were raised. She never saw her parents again but when they died, she anticipated an inheritance. It did not come because World War II intervened at the wrong moment in time. Italy and her new country, America, were on opposite sides in the war, and monies were not being transferred from Italy to its enemy.

Perhaps you have a similar story to tell—one of disappointed financial expectation. It may have been a ‘sure’ investment that did not produce the high rate of return that was anticipated. Perhaps it was a business enterprise that was undone by a scheming partner. Perhaps it was an anticipated inheritance that was bequeathed to someone else.

But there is one ‘inheritance’ that is promised to every espouser of Christ and it shall not be denied! Colossians 3:24 says, “Know with all certainty that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance which is your real reward…” Our assurance is that our God has provided something far greater for us than the things of earth that deteriorate. The inheritance of Heaven shall endure forever!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1

The Lord has many names for Himself. Each of them affords the person of faith an insight into the character, into the very nature of the Most High God whom we profess to love and endeavor to serve. One of the most wonderful of those names is “Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider” Genesis 22:14.

This verse, this name, is the groundwork upon which is set the entirety of our faith. It is our God who, “supplies all our need, according to His riches in glory” Philippians 4:19. Foremost, He has given Jesus for our salvation, so we may anticipate His full provision of all we need for spiritual well-being. He has given His Holy Spirit to assure His full supply.

But beyond our need for discernment and faith and hope and joy and love—all the fruit of the spirit—we also require temporal needs to be met and our Heavenly Father assures us that we shall not want in any good thing we require (Psalm 23:1). Let us trust in Him. Let us go forth in faith in Him. Let us see beyond our lack into the moment He’s ordained for our need to be provided!

May our confidence that He shall meet all our needs be reflected in the words of Psalm 5:11, “Let all those who take refuge in You rejoice; let them ever sing and shout for joy because You make a covering over them and You defend them. Let those who love Your name be filled with joy.” Our provision, our joy is complete in Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.