July 22
God has high expectations from man. Although He has given him a free will and allows him the latitude to make his own decisions and plot his own course toward obedience and blessing or disobedience and disappointment, His intent has always been that man would choose to follow Him.
The Majesty on High simply wants the heart of man to be placed at His feet voluntarily, not under coercion or threat of punishment. Consequently, anyone can look about and see clear evidence that calamity does not necessarily befall the person who does not walk the path of salvation.
But the reality is, there is an ultimate day of ‘fessing up’ to the choices one has made while dwelling in this tabernacle of flesh. As early as Genesis 4:7, when Cain, one of Adam and Eve’s sons, presented a grain offering to God instead of a blood sacrifice, the consequence of disobedience is addressed.
God spoke to Cain and said, “If you do right, won’t you be accepted? But if you do not do right, sin is crouching at the door.” As Cain then slew his brother Able, so we can be led into an ever-deadlier path of sin once we choose to sin. Praise God, He has made a way to escape sin’s consequence—His name is Jesus!
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