Tuesday, January 5, 2016

All Your Heart

"You shall seek Me and find Me when you shall search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
We have heard about those who will protest on the last day, "Lord, didn't I prophesy in Your name...?" Matthew 7:22

They purported themselves to be serving Jesus but His response will be, "Depart from Me. I never knew you." Matthew 7:23

Is the Lord so demanding that He cannot accept a sincere effort? Is He so dogmatic that He must reject any effort that is not perfect?

No. He is revealing His desire that we come before Him in sincerity; in truth. He isn't interested in our half-hearted commitment, nor is He interested in subterfuge. If we are professing to serve Him, it must indeed be Him that we are serving and not our own interests.

We've all heard of TV evangelists whose gospel seems to have a price tag attached to it...if you send your money; if you 'keep those cards and letters coming,' surely, the Lord will "open the window of Heaven and pour out a blessing for you that you cannot contain." Malachi 3:10

We've all heard of the 'servants of God' who travel in private jets and live in vast estates, whose lifestyles rival those of kings and rock stars. In the words of Jesus, they "have their reward." Matthew 6:1-21

Perhaps Jesus capsulized the matter best when He told the story of the wealthy men who gave abundantly of their vast wealth but whose gifts were mere penury when contrasted to the widow's mite. Luke 21:1-4

Our gifts to the Lord and our service to His Kingdom's purposes need not be the most or the best, but they do need to flow from a heart that is totally given to Him and desires nothing more than to be His true servant or handmaiden.

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