Saturday, January 16, 2016

FREED! Thank You, Jesus!

Lord Jesus, we thank You that this man of God who has loved and served You through the bitterest of times, has been set free by his captors.

Now, LORD, we ask You to move upon the hearts of his former captors and all who are bound by hatred and deception, and set them free from their chains.

Lord in Heaven, we ask You to glorify Yourself throughout the earth even as You are glorified in Heaven. We ask You to visit the oppressed in visions and dreams that will enable them to abide in faith through their suffering.

We ask You to visit those who bind and torture them so those evil ones can be set free from the delusion of the enemy who will carry them away to eternal torment if they do not turn from their denial of YOU.

We ask You, Jesus, to send Your Holy Spirit to each of us and to reveal the reality of Your soon return. May we all be ready.
 American citizen Pastor Saeed Abedini, imprisoned in Iran since 2012, has finally been freed

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