Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Life's Pie Graph

What is YOUR highest calling as a Christian? What have YOU been called to do in the behalf of the Kingdom of which you are a citizen and of the King you profess to serve?

The GREAT COMMISSION to all believers is to "go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 Have you got your passport? Have you gone to some far-flung corner of the earth to share the good news of Christ and His salvation, of His "unspeakable gift"? II Corinthians 9:15

Or, have you crossed the street to share the love and mercy of Christ with your neighbor at the time of his sickness or bereavement or loss? How about to your foul-mouthed neighbor who treats you like an imbecile because you are a person of faith?

What would you do if your 'neighbor from hell' were a member of another religion who wants nothing but your subjugation and/or destruction? Would you have the holy boldness to share your faith with him or would you crawl under a rock and hope he didn't notice that you exist?

How about the fact that your life is supposed to be "a living epistle (letter), read of all men"? II Corinthians 3:1-3 If you said nothing but merely lived before your fellow men, what would they read in you? Would your grace and kindness and compassion and encouragement, would your love, be clearly discerned through your actions?

How consistent are you? Are you steadfast in your witness of Christ and His salvation package or is your life like a pie graph--divided into separate parts--the 'human' side where you indulge in all the things the world counts as viable activities for normal people? The professional / public side where you maintain a discrete persona who keeps his religious beliefs to himself? The financial side where you cling to what you own because you earned it? The spiritual side where you assent to the things of Christ as long as it doesn't encroach into any other segments of your pie?

Where do you stand on the scripture where JESUS says, "If you acknowledge Me before men, I will acknowledge you before My FATHER, but if you deny Me before men, I will deny you before My Father"? Matthew 10:32, 33

In light of that admonition, perhaps each of us needs to re-evaluate our life's pie graph.

Lance Wallnau

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