Sunday, January 17, 2016


LOVE NEVER FAILS. I Corinthians 13:8

"Love never fails"? "Love never fails?"

Who among us hasn't at some time or another felt let down by love? Who hasn't given love the best he had to give but walked away empty and alone? Who hasn't felt like love didn't fulfill its promise in his life?

Probably no one.

How can that be if God's Word is always true?

Because our definition of love is finite while LOVE is infinite. How can a human emotion be infinite? It can't. Our frail human love is no more infinite than our fallible human truth can be infallible.

If we want to understand, to appropriate to ourselves a love that never fails, we must first define our term. If we're talking about the butterflies in our stomach when the object of our affection walks into a room, we must know that feeling will fail.

If we are talking about a promise of unending devotion from the lips of a flawed lover, we must know that that promise will fail.

But if we define our term as it is defined in the Bible, "GOD IS LOVE," then love indeed will never fail because GOD WILL NEVER FAIL.

When a fallible sinner invites the infallible CHRIST into his heart, the love in his heart is transformed. It no longer has the properties found in the bosom of fallen men but it takes on the nature of the HOLY ONE WHO INHABITS ETERNITY, WHO IS LOVE AND WHO CAN NEVER FAIL.

Do you want love that cannot fail to be your portion to give to the lost and dying souls around you?
Then open your heart to the SAVIOR who loves you and gave Himself for you.

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