Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Lamb of God

Jesus is the "lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." John 1:29

He didn't just 'take sin away.' HE TOOK SIN AWAY BY PAYING THE PENALTY FOR SIN! The penalty for sin is death. HE died so you and I need never die!

It was the perfect lamb, the lamb without spot or blemish, that was fit for the sacrifice. No other lamb of the flock would satisfy the requirement of the blood sacrifice. (See Exodus 12:5-7.)

Among the human flock, there has been only ONE without spot or blemish. No other 'lamb' has ever been born into the human family who could satisfy God's just requirement for the price of sin.

No Biblical prophet could satisfy the demand of the Almighty for a pure sacrifice. The prophets could foretell the coming of a perfect sacrifice, but they could not fulfill the role themselves.

No other religion offers a pure leader to guide men into the Throne Room of God's mercy and grace and forgiveness, for no other leader of men's religions lived pure lives.

Some religions count their founders to be exemplary men, but they are men laden with what our HOLY GOD terms as sin, and no man is exempted from sin's penalty because of his lofty status before his followers.

JESUS alone was exempt from the lures and temptations and snares of sin. In the Bible, we are told that HE was in all ways tempted by the devil who tried to snare Him into sinful acts, but that HE NEVER CAPITULATED to sin! (See Hebrews 4:15.)


JESUS alone has paid the full price for your sins and mine.

JESUS alone is the SAVIOR of all who come to HIM, whom HE HAS SAID HE "WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT." John 6:37

Will you allow GOD'S PERFECT SACRIFICE, slain for you from the foundation of the Earth, to do the work of delivering you from sin?

Luke 1:47 (KJV)
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.

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