Monday, April 18, 2016

Itching Ears

It certainly appears that this prophetic verse of scripture has come to fruition in our time. Oh, yes, we have good pastors who preach the true and unadulterated Word of God--in some of our churches; but there are indeed others who will say anything to keep the flock from becoming unsettled in their sin.

These are the churches that have become mere social clubs, they are the places businessmen go to make contacts and promote sales. They are the places socialites present themselves in their finery to impress everyone with their style and their fashion flair.

But the preacher who stands in the pulpit week after week and proclaims, "Thus saith the LORD..." will find himself preaching to the choir, for only those steadfast in faith will endure sound doctrine. Those who have "...itching ears..." will go elsewhere.

They will go where they can continue the subterfuge that allows them to justify and maintain a self-centered, self-promoting, self-aggrandizing gospel. They will go where they may remain comfortable in their sin.

What kind of gospel are you listening to each Sunday? Is your pastor a man who is willing to serve the meat of the Word? Is your pastor a man whose sermons promote the fruit of the Spirit? Is your pastor a man who breaks the Bread of Life and serves it with gratitude and thanksgiving to those who hunger for truth?

If what you hear on Sunday allows you to indulge the basest impulses within you, you are among those who pursue "the pleasures of sin for a season."

But if what you hear on Sunday makes you uncomfortable in your sin, you are among those who are being led by a pastor who is using the steadfast word of our HOLY GOD as a "lamp to your feet and a light to your path," and is leading you to eternal life.

Such a pastor deserves your support and requires your prayers, for the onslaught of the enemy against him is relentless because he serves the truth in every sermon.

Indeed, you need one another, for the onslaught of the enemy against YOU, one who hungers for truth, is relentless, too.

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