Tuesday, April 19, 2016

New Things

April 19
New Things by Andrea @ Dayspring

I recently moved to an area that has seasons and it’s a whole new experience for me. I've been mesmerized by the changing leaves, watching them as they shift from green to fiery reds and oranges, and just recently the trees that spent the whole winter with bare branches have sprouted small, white flowers.

It’s truly beautiful to watch winter melt into spring. I go outside and feel the sun bring new warmth. It's familiar but new all at once.

Isaiah 43:19 says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it! I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

We have a God who is doing new things. We can look at the seasons and see it. Winter changes into spring, spring to summer, and summer to fall. Just like the Earth in its seasons, we too are constantly moving, shaping, growing, and changing. How beautiful and complex is our design that we don't stay stagnant, but we actually develop and mature!

Sometimes in order to come into a new season and to grow in our faith, we have to let go of the old one. Verse 18 in Isaiah 43 says, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past."

One of the many lessons life teaches us is to let go. We can't hang on to past hurts, past struggles, and past relationships. And, sometimes this means we have to give ourselves time to grieve in order to move forward.

We may have to let ourselves feel the loss, be sad for a little while, and talk to someone who cares. After we've grieved, we can pick ourselves up and start looking ahead once again.

As spring starts to surface and the trees begin to bloom, we can see God’s reminder to align our hearts to the new thing He’s doing. Let go of old things and find out what He has prepared for you in this season. Expect that there are good things to come.

God has beautiful plans for your life, and He’s always working on your behalf. As flowers adorn the trees once again and fresh grass rises up from the ground, may new strength and vigor emerge in your spirit as well.

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