Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Of...By...For the People

Our founding fathers placed this nation at the feet of the HOLY ONE in whom they believed. The charters of each state included acknowledgement of HIS sovereignty over men and nations and they implored HIS keeping over this new nation for which they had risked their "lives, liberty, and sacred honor."

This nation waged a great Civil War to undo the tyranny of slavery, to assure that the guarantees of freedom found in the Constitution would be extended to all men, for ALL MANKIND is precious in the sight of GOD.

Will our generation stand by and watch the dismantling of the freedom on which this country has been established? Will we allow "government of the people, by the people, for the people" to indeed, "perish from the earth"? (Abraham Lincoln)

Lord JESUS, there is an election before us that may be of greater consequence than any has yet been. We know one front-runner has pledged to yet again raise taxes; another promises to "make America great again."

We know that apart from YOU, there is nothing left for these United States of America but the ash heap of self-destruction to which we have relegated ourselves by our immorality, our self-indulgence, our pride, and our self-reliance.

You have allowed us to be great among nations and we have attributed our lofty estate to our own ingenuity and our own might. Forgive us for our foolishness and bring us to a place of complete faith in our SAVIOR once again. Allow us to see YOUR glory, and in that revelation of who YOU are, may we see ourselves as blessed again.

Nation In Distress

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