Power. It's a commodity everyone wants.
The power to gain wealth.
The power to be successful.
The power to be healthy.
The power to be unafraid in fearful circumstances.
The power to be faithful to CHRIST in a world that denies HIM.
Power. It's a commodity everyone needs.
Because GOD is love; because CHRIST came to prosper us, to help us, to heal us, to gird us, to steel us, to anchor us, HE has given us great power.
Romans 8:11 says, "The same power that raised JESUS from the dead lives in you."
Why do you think HE gave you that amazing, unfathomable power?
HE gave it to you so you can be an overcomer who is not beset by the wiles of the enemy.
You can be "more than a conqueror," Romans 8:37, through JESUS who has given you the same power that raised HIM from the dead!
You may gain spiritual treasure that is worth far more than earthly gold. Matthew 6:19, 20
You may gain spiritual success that enables you to pull down strongholds. II Corinthians 10:3-5
You may gain health because "by HIS stripes you are healed." Isaiah 53:5
You may gain confidence in the throes of anxious times. Philippians 4:6
You may abide in faith, for "HE who has called you is faithful." I Thessalonians 5:24
Because GOD is love; because CHRIST came to prosper us, to help us, to heal us, to gird us, to steel us, to anchor us, HE has given us great power.
Romans 8:11 says, "The same power that raised JESUS from the dead lives in you."
Why do you think HE gave you that amazing, unfathomable power?
HE gave it to you so you can be an overcomer who is not beset by the wiles of the enemy.
You can be "more than a conqueror," Romans 8:37, through JESUS who has given you the same power that raised HIM from the dead!
You may gain spiritual treasure that is worth far more than earthly gold. Matthew 6:19, 20
You may gain spiritual success that enables you to pull down strongholds. II Corinthians 10:3-5
You may gain health because "by HIS stripes you are healed." Isaiah 53:5
You may gain confidence in the throes of anxious times. Philippians 4:6
You may abide in faith, for "HE who has called you is faithful." I Thessalonians 5:24
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