Friday, September 16, 2016

HE Guides the Course of Mighty Rivers

Our GOD guides the course of mighty rivers and tells the sea, "this far and no further."

Can HE not also guide the course of your life and stay the progression of any trial that is besetting you?

"WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE" must be our theme song as we traverse our way through this Vale of Tears, for if we will but acknowledge HIM as the ONE who determines our course and the ONE who guides our path we will have no fear of what we might encounter along our way.

HE who turns the mighty rivers and whose hand stays the raging seas can also take you safely through the journey of your life.

The twists and turns of the circumstances that confront you are not challenges to the ONE who speaks to the winds and waves, "Peace, be still." Mark 4:39

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