Saturday, October 22, 2016

Much Is At Stake

Much is at stake in the up-coming election, and while NEITHER candidate is a person of personal integrity--Donald Trump has certainly had his share of indiscretions and Hillary Clinton has had hers--Clinton's lack of innate integrity transcends her personal conduct and steeps every aspect of her political agenda.

When I go to the poll to vote, I will do so based on a bit of advice I was given--"IF YOU DON'T LIKE EITHER CANDIDATE, VOTE FOR THE ONE WHOSE POLICIES MOST CLOSELY ADHERE TO YOUR VALUES."

One of the primary concerns about the election is the fact that the person elected in 17 days will probably appoint between one and three Supreme Court Justices.

Trump has promised two things regarding appointments he makes:

1. They will be conservative

2. They will interpret the CONSTITUTION as written by the founding fathers and strictly adhere to their original intent rather than consider it a 'fluid' document, subject to ideas like same sex marriage.

Clinton is quite liberal in her leaning and sees the CONSTITUTION as being "fluid."

I don't know if Trump will keep his campaign pledge, but I do know that if Clinton is elected she will follow in the footsteps of Obama...and he is leading AMERICA to perdition.

Further, Trump shows some indication of being empathetic to evangelicals. Clinton's minions have referred to evangelicals and Catholics in VERY UNCOMPLIMENTARY TERMS. The only religion they seem to respect is Islam, from whose adherents Clinton's campaign and foundation have received hundreds of millions of dollars.

One internet pastor whose work I read believes that Clinton is GOD'S JUDGEMENT on the U.S.; he says we have been "weighed in the balance and found wanting" and GOD is giving us over to destruction at the hand of Clinton. I certainly recognize her ability to do that.

I'm praying II Chronicles 7:14 over the country and praying Trump, unlikely prospect that he may be to be an instrument in GOD'S hands to bring AMERICA back to its heritage of faith and strength, will, indeed, be just that.

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