A Christian's Observations from the Kavanaugh Hearing
While walking from Union Station to the Hart Senate Office Building, when I first arrived, I passed a group of "protesters in training." A man was coaching others in what to shout, etc. EX: "Kavanaugh is a right wing extremist!" - they were practicing there in the park behind the building.
- Then while we were waiting in line outside later, there was a group directly ahead of us who were - old - young - male - female. There was a woman with them handing out $20 bills if they promised to protest loudly! Most of them took the money.
- When we were finally seated inside the hearing room, we were seated in the back row. Policeman were lining the wall behind us and around the side of the room shoulder to shoulder. The row in front of us was filled with the protesters who had been ahead of us in line. And protest they did - It appeared that they all acted on cue - in sync with the media photographers directly in front of them - who stood up as they did with their ranting and raving to capture the action on film.
- I could not understand why the police tolerated the outbursts, because on the entry ticket there were very clear rules - one was: "Any individual causing a disruption of the committee's proceedings shall be removed immediately and subject to criminal arrest." But the police did not oust anyone until they had disrupted 3 times. And the opposition had so many people, only one person was evicted.
- The weather seemed to be a visual/spiritual depiction of what has going on in the hearing room... While we were standing outside waiting for our tickets, the blue sky overhead became partially filled with dark threatening looking thunderheads. It showered heavily for about 15-20 minutes. (fortunately we had a small shelter to stand under!)
As I began my drive home, the darkness increased, including dramatic thunder and lightening - seemingly on top of me! But you could still see patches of blue sky through it all! It seemed to picture the war in the heavenlies that was taking place between darkness and light, good and evil!
Prayer Points from my observations:
- We need to speak the SHALOM of God into the hearing room (and over the committee and Judge Kavanaugh as well) - Shalom destroys the authority that is trying to bring chaos.
- We need to take authority over the manifesting spirits of anger, hatred, disruption, obstructionism and deception. - including the political spirit, Jezebel, and Leviathan (twisting, manipulation, and control)
- I found myself worshiping in the midst of the chaos . . . I kept declaring Psalm 24:7-10 over the room while I was there. And proclaiming the majesty and greatness of our God! -- After all, if God is for us - and we know He is - who can be against us?!
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