Thoughts on Genesis 3:9-10 by John W. Ritenbaugh
"Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, Where are you? (10) So he said, I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself."
This event illustrates why there are so many false conceptions of God. Once Satan and sin enter man's life, man hides himself from God, and God must seek him out before a relationship and revelation of true knowledge of God can even begin.
God has permitted Satan to continue what he began in the Garden with Adam and Eve. Despite the fact that Adam and Eve literally saw God, they sinned because they really did not know Him.
Since eternal life lies in the relationship with Jesus, it is extremely important how frequent and accurate our thoughts about Him are. Many influential people in this world are convinced that He does not even exist. By definition, agnostics are not sure, so how does their uncertainty affect their worship of Him?
This is a major reason why Jesus says in John 6:44 that no one comes to Him unless the Father draws him. He adds in Matthew 11:27 that no one "knows the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." Only true believers
have truth and thus eternal life.
Adam and Eve's summary dismissal from the Garden was among the most serious punishments ever inflicted on mankind because it severed contact with God. Without contact with God, a true conception of Him is impossible, and wholesale sin followed.
We can conclude that what one knows about the true God Himself and how one uses that knowledge are the two most important issues in life.
Seeking God is the most serious challenge of our lives, and finding Jesus as our Savior is the only eternal discovery we will ever make.
The quality of our present lives and the continuation of those lives everlastingly hinge on these two factors.
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