Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lean on the Lord


The Apostle John was noted for his tender heart. He delighted in being at the side of Jesus. Some of the most warm and compelling parts of the New Testament are those passages that came from John’s pen. Even when in exile on the Isle of Patmos, his words were gentle, they were without vindictiveness.

John had much reason to detest his tormenters. He had seen the Jewish hierarchy conspire with their Roman masters to crucify Jesus to whom he had devoted his life. He had seen his brother James executed as well as his fellow disciples. He alone remained of them when he wrote the Book of Revelation.

Yet, he was able to look beyond the hatred and treachery of men to see their need for the Savior’s love and forgiveness. He was able to reach out to them with the words that had healed his soul and could heal theirs. On this Eleventh of September, may we who believe do the same. May we forgive. May we be wise and cautious. May we guard ourselves militarily.

May we guard our minds against the deception for which our enemy is noted, and, above all, may we lean on the Lord for His protection from our enemies who wish to destroy us. But may we, like John, “Look at how great a love the Father has given us, that we should be called His children!” I John 3:1, and may we extend that love to even our enemies—and pray they become our brothers.

1 comment:

  1. I thank you for your words, but more than that I THANK YOU for GODS WORD.It was not until I read your words and the words of John that I realized I was not were I should be.I only hope others read this and look deep inside themself to see if CHRIST is leading them or is HATE!!
